fc| Multigaming looking for ET team leader

fc| Multigaming is currently looking for a team leader to lead our ET squad to victory. The old team leader had some problems irl and none of our members have the skill to succesfully lead the squad. At the moment we have about 15 members in our ET squad. If you are interested in having a successful team for your favorite game, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

» We're a European clan, and we don't accept non-europeans. This is to avoid difficulties in organization as a result of time differences.
» We are a mature based clan. Although there is no minimum age for members, leaders should be atleast 16 years old and prove their maturity (don't ask ;)).
» Previous clan experience is a must. Meaning potential leaders should have been regular members of a clan in the past, giving them insight in the public workings of a clan.
» Experience in ET is a must. The leader should know all the ins and outs of ET.
» Previous leader experience is REQUIRED. Potential leaders should have experience as leaders, giving them insight in the private and organizational workings of a clan.
» Other qualifications. Successful applicants will have other valuable qualifications to clan leadership, specifically moderating of forums and server admining skills.

If you are interested in becoming a team leader for a multigaming clan, contact me by
sending me a PM, posting at our website: http://fcclan.net or sending me an email.

Thank you for reading,
Mark "4drenalin3" Zijlstra
Manager fc| Multigaming

Email: [email protected]
Xfire: 4drenalin3
WLM: [email protected]
what fc stands for?
the logo is bad copy of dignitas's one
fc stands for Fight Club. It was originally founded April 2006 as [FC], where it all began as a small group of friends playing their favourite game, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. That's where the name comes from :)

You're right, I have heard that before, but the logo has been made by a friend of me who has never heard of dignitas before, nor is gaming related in any way ^^ And no, I haven't told him either.
15 members?
Yes, in our ET squad. Some (3 or 4) are inactive, but most of them aren't.
decent post,

gl !
lolololo :)

GL 4drenalin :P i hope u remember me ^^

hi cheater xD whats up ?!?
u mean hi unbanned razzah who didnt cheat. just who was retarded cuz he trustes tapsa who sent him a cheat in his moviecfg, but care cuz razzah = unbanned :)

nice to hear that mate ;) i know'd all the time that you are to stupid to cheat xD ^^
unbanned? wtf
yes... i told u that im no cheater

i proved it some days before with screenshot etc...long story :x
still you will get banned
no...talked with cb admin. no ban for me. :)
why not? :DD to who did you talk?
bulld0ggggg :P
nice, now me and my friends can get our ban histories deleted too.
thanks for telling
not really.. i have proves , and i dont think that u have something like screenshots...its not that easy but good luck
post the proofs
I do, thanks :)
Errm no, the original [FC] was not listed on CB
"fc stands for Fight Club. It was originally founded April 2006 as [FC], where it all began as a small group of friends playing their favourite game, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. That's where the name comes from :) " <- quote from you

Our Fightclub was founded in 2000, and created in cb in 2003. You're only 6 years late, m8.
nice pos : D is it etpub only?
respect etpub its > etpro
Nice post!
Good luck =)
gl detailed post :)
crab or duck? what about our revival plans :D
well u will get alot of sponsors with 15 people in your lineup O_o
with 6 - 7 active warplayers...
GL adren <33 crossfire is a hard place to impress =]
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