New 4on4 cup.


I need someone that can help me make a 4o4 cup, ( I has server but no site)

If anyone is intrested in helping me to make a cup, PMME pls =)
yeah, Requires lil more tp then 3o3 :o)
well, it can be a nice initiative
it's just, I often got probs to get even 3 guys together not even thinking about 4 :p
but hopefully your cup will be a success, gl with it :)
Something different yet again, <o/ !
Yeah, But id like to make this cup actually working, For more then 1 time, Id like ( If possible ) To make this cup every - month

One 4o4 cup each month, So People get attracted to play ET again ;p atleast till rtcw2 is here=)
You cant stop the fact that ET will be dimishing, but you can try to make it as much fun while it lasts.
And if you want to do this till RTCW2, would mean that you would have to this for 9 years or more :D
player amount of ET hasn't really decreased. Still many new players learn to know the game daily whereas some old stars are falling away.
I'd say it stays alive still for a long time.
Personally for some ppl it might feel dead, but it's just a close-minded point of view..
Well, the player amount maybe didnt decrease overall for ET, but for my feeling it did decrease for the more competitive scene. Not saying the decrease is huge, but it just feels like this. There are alot of pubplayers out there and just4fun players who help keep ET alive, which I like cause I cant imagine this game dying.
true, a lot more people are playing on etpub and jaymod etc.

But some of those players will later on move to etpro, and maybe the competitive scene.
It's just that the old school EC players are quiting the game, so people think/say ET is dead.
Btw, you could try to contact . Afaik they usually are in for such kind of sponsorships etc.
well i would play it, but make a real cup not a oneday and get a lil site and stuff
gl aizen, 4on4 cup has already been done though.
die aizen/kazuu/cheater :=) Noob4sure
Cheater xDDDDDDDDD i lolled. :P avi or it never happend zou ik zeggen =)
kap is met dat avi or never happend :p voor de rest gl jesse!
Ik heb screenshot , ook goed ? :)

image: kazuuakacookiida9
:XD bb kazuu/aizen
nice 1 nick ; ) kAzuu = gedist ; )
Hier kwam ik aan met een beetje geluk ;)

Oh en als je goed leest kan je Overschie zijn comment nog lezen
bozz heeft gesproken!
ik zie je nooit iets poste man =o
LOL Jesse Gl m8
HAHAHA, Ik heb wh gebruik op ETPUB zonder PUNKBUSTER ask ms : mightysmeagol op xfire, of hij pb heeft op zen server ( etpub) jongejonge, die hacks werken niet eens op server met pb, krijg je gelijk kick volgens mij xD wnnbtje
The point is indeed of getting a site, And the cup should be played 1's a month every month, and like last for 2 weeks, so after the 2 weeks, people can prepare during 2 weeks for the next cup etc
Ik zal maar nisk zeggen kAzuu want jij bent de grooste wnb die ik ken = )
we need cups for every fucking days :)
voor een site moet je geld hebbe ; )
Sponsorship ftw!
Vraag U ma / pa ftw :XD
dikke #Volume fake
no shit sherlock
Btw, zoek maar eerst een pbss, een pbkick, of een rode triangle of cb ban voor je ENIGE proof hebt ;)
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