
Yo, My name is Tw1zZt aka Lars.
Im looking for an active clan who play much 6on6. My skill is low low/+ LOWTARD :D
ex-clans in profile

What can i offer you
-14 year but not immature (dont say kanker/cancer every 5 secs like much 12 year old in this game)
-Active (Almost every evening from 19.00 till 22.00)
-Speaking Netherlands and United Kingdom
- Can play Fops/Medic/Soldier
- Good communication

For more info pm me :)

gl, no more conflict? LOWTARD :D
Fuck you nub youre nub!
-14 year but not immature (dont say kanker/cancer every 5 secs like much 12 year old in this game)

you just use kurwa instead of kanker =o
Get aids also fine ;D
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