Looking for a team ne help

Right to start off i have been playin 2.55 scince 16 September 06 and played a bit of 6b from now and then, i have been inactive scince last november coz of issues eg homeless ness but bak on my way and wanting to play 6b and quit 55 soon il have my own place and internet bak up.
i think i whould class my sel;f as low/med smg and med heavy looking for a team for me to invest in with server and me and contact running cups in 55 and 6b in june/july
if ne1 is interested just pm me or ad me to xfire 01teriyaki10 but im more active on forums atm coz bad internet connection

got mic vent and ts

thx v43

Teriyaki A.K.A F!nz0r
sorry, what?
welcome to 6b :D
thx peeps :)
"med heavy"

Welcome to proper panzer radius.

"low/med smg"

Say hi to hitboxes.

"issues eg homelessness"

gb2 street :(


well thats what skill id say id be on 6b :)
learn2reply finzor -.- look there --------------------------------------->
what do you mean?
good job!
oh i c what ya mean lol :) eddo as in eddo from Dev?
Eddo from dev/wnb whatever u want, yup that one
eddo hacks

lol jokes xD
ya just pro :)
pro :p he says him self that hes low+ :P
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