nice bust
nice bust
said the biggest ET haxor :)

if you would take a look to the dates and make a litte thinking exercice you could find that there are people who buy a new pc from time to time
it's just the same ip? so?

it's normal cuz i connect to the internet at the same place? *hint *hint
Cheatbusting ain't ma job so lol :) Just when I bought a new computer my ip changed :DDDDDD with same internet to.
You prolly mean your local ip, like 192.168.x.x
ofc that changes, otherwise you can't connect to your local network

but your home has prolly 1 or 2 external ip's that you recieve from your isp ... and that's the IP the rest of the world sees
Waiting for the reply of Bulld0g, if he agrees then it's valid I think.
What's valid? then someone can have 2 ETpro guids on the same IP?!
its easy.. not so hard.. if you got 3 hdd's you can get 3 different ET_pro guides..

*edit* replied to the wrong guy :D
no, then the bust will be valid.
where's the question?
cheater once , cheater image: always_ultra10NET
haha true D;
BUSTED! Ban this retard, thanks.
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