Recruiting ET squad

#bust3D is searching for a highskilled ET team since our current one is too lowskilled and haven't achieved anything yet.

pm me if you:

aren't ex-/cheaters

haven't red yawn & stuff

are active and playing for leagues/cups

got already a lineup ( no 2 weeks shit )

we got:

gameserver, mumble, ts, vent, bncs, ftps, irssi running on a shell acting as a BNC, own radio, soon a n1ce hp


pm me here or pm bob or geddon @ #bust3D
1 sure thing
only the coolest motherfucking channel in et!
\o> then I'm cool because I just joined the channel :}
Quote#bust3D is searching for a highskilled ET team since our current one is too lowskilled and haven't achieved anything yet.

ye, it's true.. they are playing 24/7 on cybergames with #bust3D tag...
I thought #bust3D was some public clan tbh, low players in cyber. :>
did the old one even played one minute on a private serv? :/
you know them? :D ye, but then they trickjumped...
i know them from cybergames, yes :O
haha, expected :}
hehe i played them and kicked there ass :P

but there still nice guys tbh
Lol the only thing i can say about there latest squad is that they where not mature enough and that they where whinning like childs and stuff. i don't wanna call name's but his name was sage:D!

i hope he has big mouth now still:P!
yer but sage isn't eithen in there lineup hehe he is like a fan boy ^^ funny stuff and he still thinks he is high :D
Hihi :>
hahah talking about pds and infernal squad? :D:D
do you mind donating a mumble channel 2 me?
Yea, i see alot of Bust3D on Cybergames xDD
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