the best combination?

Whats the best combination of antivirus and firewall in your opinion ?

Yesterday i was installing one program :x and my pc got infected by some virus which opened some popups n stuff what i couldnt close from taskmanager.. plapla..
and my F-Secure which has firewall and antivir. on same packet didnt notice this infection.. and still havent..
Some other bad things about f-secure: it uses like 300mb memory all the time .. got zillion .exe open by it all the times.. plus that fssm32.exe still some times freezes my pc and start to use huge amount of memory and cpu (when it shouldnt scan or anything)..

but anyways.. i was thinking combination of avg or avast and zonealarm or something.. i dont really know about these so much :-) but please share your opinions :>
linux. never needed anti-virus nor firewall.
becuz not many people use Linux, so the virusmakers and spywaredevelopers dont put effort in making a virus for Linux.
and because those who actually use linux, are more careful not to run any shit they find online, and with the whole user-permission system, a virus would be pretty much useless on linux.

Oh, should we remember that 80% of all the servers out there run some sort of linux?
most viruses are made for attack on personal computers.

And about that linux thing, if more people would use linux, the virusmakers would put more effort in the viruses to outrun that permission system.
dont talk about things you dont have any clue of
lol, i have a clue about linux etc, i'm following a computercourse in school and there i have linux, i really hate it. We discussed about this in the lesson why there where more viruses in windows then in linux. That was the conclusion, the teacher said it, we searched on inet also and the global conclusion is that there arent many viruses for linux becuz not many people use linux. Thats why everybody think that Linux is much safer then windows (it is safer but not as much as anybody think). Ive been working with windows for years, never had viruses or spyware, its just the user that needs to pay attention.
There's no reason to hate linux... you should be grateful you study it, because if you were to start it on your own, it would be more difficult. And trust me, it IS safer/better than windows... ffs, microsoft are running linux on some of their servers. How often do you reinstall your windows? Twice a year? Once a year? If you ever have to reinstall linux once installed, it's either because you want a different/newer distro, or because you screwed it! It just doesn't die on you. Does windows do that? If I simply install office and dot net the bootprocess becomes 3 times as slow... It's a shame...
zonealarm&antivir :P
avira antivir ? paljosse käyttää muistii tollee normisti :> ?
öö, en ny iha ulkoot muista mut tsiikaan vaiks himas :)
antivir and firewalls are overrated imo

Kyllä lähtee . eikä ime paljoo viiruksii (XD) :=)

EDiT: ja hommaa vista xd
vista ... ei helvetissä :D jos se on vielki nii bugine ni kiitos ei
orly :DD vittu hajos just mikki :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
mullaki hajos mikki ni voi ees pelaa et :<<<<<
jeb, pitäs kai käydä ostaa joku pöytämikki tms, porukat vinee tost icematin mikist liikaa. :( taino , se hajos jo .
:D pöytämikin vois itekki, ollu nyt jäämatot, fatal1tyt (aika fail 40eurolle) ja joitai random sonyja ja eipä oo mitkää kestäny, yleensä just toine kuuloke menee mykäks ja sit mikki alkaa surisee vaikka kui kohtelis hyvi :F

vatexii vaa ->
Jup, itellä nyt Sennheiser HD 280 PRO , ni noisko ei oo mikkii ni vähä arcsta, joudun käyttää näit fatal1tyi :<
:D petyin kyl pahasti noihi fatalityihi ite, just tollaset massahalpikset ja lyöty logo ja maksoin niist joku 42e :E tippu kerra lattialle ja meni mikki mykäks :P
eikait nää mul oo hajonnu viäl, Vituttaa vaan ihan saatanasti ko ei voi käyttää noit kuulokkeit mitkä makso 100€ -.-'
h3h3 sama pöytämikki ollu käytös alust asi h3h3 moi :)
moikka! mitä slarto 8)
gratz nigga
thx hani<3 ;z pebbusexii :B
kaverille kans
Norton Internet Security
(Internet - Serious Business)


Spybot Search & Destroy.
(Updated regularly)
norton sux :D:
I have no problem with it. I never had to format because of virus, spyware, malware, etc.
but its laggy what ive heard from ppl who uses it :oo)
with 128MB vga. Nvidia FX 5200. I always get 200 FPS in most maps and 125 FPS in radar. Internets : NP. Fast.

EDIT: Actually: Radar: 76 FPS - 125 FPS with an average of 80
lol.. i dont even get 30 fps stable in radar. With fx5200 and p4 2,66 and 1 gb of ram.
With clean windows install and drivers.
I think you should really consider a new config.

I have:


CPU: 2.4GHz Pentium 4
HD: 160GB
Monitor: DTK Computers
Keyboard: Thrust
Mouse: Diamondback
Mousepad: eXactMat + eXactRest
Sound: OnBoard
Graphics: FX5200
Memory: 2x 512MB
O/S: Windows XP
Headset: USB Gamestar 2. 1
Connection: <256kB / <256kB (DL / UL)

You have a better processor. not that better, in that case it won't effect your ping.

what resolution do you play et?

i use r_mode 4 (800*600)
i have excellent ping, no worries about that.

i play @ 960/780 or smth
image: kroneatswgrau7

AND HI2U MY FRIEND! How are you?!
Hi bitch! im fine, you still playin ET ?
Message me if you want my config...
i can try it out, but i never play ET :P
Ok, anyways let me send it to you...
panda antivirus & firewall is nice combination
but sygate firewall <3
avast antivirus & sygate = 100% free and no virus for me
antivir + zonelalarm + lavasoft adaware
AVG + Zonealarm
had any problems ? how long u have used that combination ? and what versions of those..
I use those too. Latest versions, 2 years without any problems with viruses etc.. Plus AVG updates like every day, and the updating takes like 10 secs.

I recommend these
Yup, used them for a few years too, never had any problems - plus they are both free :)
nod32 only
if ppl want to get access to your pc, they will get it anyway (maybe harder if you got linux) but for some trojans i would say get Antivir or Norman.
stopfen mir zu ignoren! :<
sprech mit mich or w/e \o/
Format C
Install Linux
linux is way 2 complicated :<
this means you've never tried ubuntu oO :P
There's even distro's alot easier than Ubuntu too :_)
Ubuntu -___________- ?

a Linux distribution, they say it's one of the best for beginners :P
:DDD try ubuntu even i dont think its hard :OO
i dont need a firewall or a virus pretection. :) thx anyways
me neither, they r overrated
I just use Avira + firewall the internet provides gave us. ( I dont have any firewall on my pc)
comodo firewall pro
but I would use zonealarm if there was a 64 bit version of it
AVG + Norton Security :)
linux is good.. or mac. =o
they are kinda similar, you know ;) ?
NOD32 + ZoneAlarm but anyway, only one of them is ok ^^
no + no

if computer shitted then spybot + norton, then uninstall..
when crashed completely format :]
Zone Alarm+ erm Nod32 imo
Norton + mcafee imo! :DDDD
no av or anti spyware stuff :)
avg + windows firewall

its the better
windows firewall + kaspersky interenet security
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