seek team

My last team became too high for me so I decide to seek an other one.
I'm looking for an active 6on6 team.
I speak french and a decent english.
You can be cheaters, retards, kids, etc ... if you play actively i'm happy.
My old teams are in my profile and i play medic/engi.smg/rifle
My skill is around med+ (in my dreams).
You can find me on

turned the hax off ?
good luck leito
too low to be true but gl
haha xD
good luck
gL <3
nord, slj & kerialy on snd @ ur profile before you even played with them ! nice
real reason for you not playing @ snd?
OLO GL for your next time <3
big GL leitoji olo
bit overrating himself, but gl
you mean snd?
edit: btw...your name...sounds familiar...
gl , nice guy
gl leitoni :P <3
I love you

What is this? The next gen trend in stead of xp whoring like some hooker?

PS: GL ^^
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