Riflenab is looking for clan

Hi guys, after two years of playing ET I realize that my smg skillz sux and therefore I want to try my magic stick :)

I never played rifle before (always maddick), but I am practicing it on pubs and watching some PROs on ETTV :D, that's why I looking for smt like med clan.

I'am offering:
- two years experience in ET on med-high level (last clans Czech Republicsingularity, Czech Republicneophyte)
- some teamplay and battle sense
- availability: sunday - thursday @ 20:00 - 23:00
- language: English
- age 26

I'am searching for:
- stable and active clan
- no kids
- no whiners
- nice and funny guys (or girls:)

PM me on xfire or #singularity @ quakenet
Detailed informations in my profile.
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