Posting-Time Limit

What is the new Post-Time limit in writing journals and forum threads since the new Crossfire Rules? Nothing is written about this in new rules.
30 seconds for comments, 12 hours for forum topics and journals, the latter two probably ought to be lowered slightly.
12h is a bit to much for journals imo.
Wasnt it like 3 hours before?
3/4 hours is enough imo.
Who needs to post a journal three or four hours though? The sort of user who feels inclined to do so also happens to be the type we're not too fond of. Unfortunately some innocent users are affected in our efforts to stop the spammers.
12hours is too much ... i made my forum thread about special delivery this morning and I wasn't able to make this thread on my own...
i'd suggest something like 6hours if you rly want to prevent spamm of sensless journals because people have too much spare time :D
You make a fair point, I've lowered it to six for forums, nine for journals, we'll see how that goes. It's unfortunate that such measures are necessary in the first place, but as always a minority of idiots want to spoil it for everyone.
Can't u warn these morons and after they repeat it just ban. Also for the guys who are searching offi's in there journals, its annoying.
offis arent annoying. It's quite good.
12 hours for journals and forum shit are okay, but 30 seconds isn't fair +_+
Don't spam that much, and you wouldn't notice those 30seconds, by the way. What kind of no-lifer are you if you are spamming crossfire that fast?
it's not about being a nolife in every case (although unfortunately mostly it is).. sometimes people really do post multiple comments in such a short period. i for example do, and that's because i come to crossfire just a few times per day and then there's always quite a lot of new content which i open in multiple tabs and post a reply to a few of them.. for me it isn't a problem because with Opera even if i try to post them in less than 30 seconds, 'Back' function saves content i wanted to post so i can just click Submit once again.. but i do understand how annoying it is for users of other web browsers which don't backup form content.

but nevermind all this shyt, i highly encourage forcing of these time limits :D
agree, but I invented ctrl+c
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