How is it possible?

Today I was with my friend on an empty cybergames server because he wanted to show me a tj @ sd but then this guy called "CopyCatCoders" connected and flooded the server with bots that no one else was able to connect! We kicked him but the bots were still on the server... ;<

image: 2vx0ww1
well open ET lots of times and connect all to the same server ?
Did you know PB kicks for duplicate guids ? :P
omg did u just tried to be serious ? :o nah never thoght pb was that smart... cant be... not possible..
they asked perfo
dam skaterboy perfo :<
Did you know you can get multiple copies of ET and also different etkey for each and every one of them? Mister PB doesn't kick you for duplicate cdkey when you do that, aight? :P
I was talking about etpro guid ^^
np for guidspoofer :D ET is full of them anyways :)
Most guidspoofers have been blocked :)
than PunktbustrB shuts down and u get kicked...
oh noes, thats not true.... z0mgf
Its just a q3 program (NOWAY I TELL THE NAME) =P
You could prevent it by a lua mod i think :C
ehh.. why is "copycatCoders" highlighted in yellow at the screenshot? ..nice selfbust
what was the selfbust??
ahehheee.. n1
nice selfbust , tard
I smell an idiot !
wie dumm muss man sein >:)
Whats version of server? Was there combined fixes lua ? Punkbuster on? Maybe it was planned attack from various PCs...dunno


nvm, u r an asshole !
who are you and why are you using my profile shyt ;x
profile shyt? :o|

edit: lol'd, now I noticed what you mean xD

edit²: I changed the flag but I won't change my real name! :p
so it wasn't on purpose? :D
i don't see what it has to do with geekness or smth, the same can be told for anyone playing online games or smth..

you can discuss whether someone is mentally normal for what he's doing, but such person is nothing geekier than you just because of such actions
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