need 2 find notebook

Hi all!

i have problem...i need to find nb for my friend but she has some conditions..
It must be around 850E (900 max)
It mustn't be black ( omg this one is biggest problem )
It must have some good gfx....

should be mild and 15"....

help me if you can

p.s.: fuck engrish
haha that made me laugh out loud i dont know why
There's a VERYVERYVERY nice MSI notebook with great specs for about 800 euro, but it's black :<
omg notebook-racism!
colour EZ just buy her an apple notebook
acer 5920
no lol....acer never....acer suck balls
15" ? For a notebook ?

I tought there was only 15.4" for notebooks :/
Precision is the first stap to succes !

Btw , just google ^^
step btw ^^
Parent but they have only custemizeable color on the 12" laptops :S rest are just black.

but if he wants a pink laptop it's the place to be ;)

but she don't need pink one..she just don't like black :x
get a pink ( used ) imac !
image: colorwaremacbook
^^ but mac starts at 1060E in czech...:x
get a used one should be in for that price or provide her the rest of the money so u will get laid !
lolz...she's not so much "friend"


and used stuff sux...
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