usb shiznik

its gonna be a random read so hold tight, minimize them porn videos and lets begin!

my bro was on my pc, and he deleted my usb devices such as my mouse and keyboard, i came home turned on my pc, then it was asking me to install my usb devices! i thought nps ill get a ps/2 keyboard and mouse and ill install but! my pc wont let me use ps/2 or usb to install them, so i have no idea how to install them, now im just stuck with a windows xp screen and telling me i have new hardware to install and cant do anything about it! if i cant fix it ill format but cba with that, so wanted to know if theres a fix!?
thanks in advance!
Journal please, you've pushed my forum thread down! :(

those things can only be disabled from BIOS

download drivers imo
if the usb ports and stuff don't work reinstalling motherboard drivers might work
hmm! ok take two! my pc worked fine , untill my bro unistalled my mouse and keyboard! now my pc turns on, but you no wen u add ur mp3 player for the first time it says, "new devie found,click next to install etc" it does that, but becoz my mouse and keyobard arnt installed i cant use them :P so im just stuck with staring at the screen!
had it before with mp3 stick you have to do it manually, cant explain it in english:D
!!!!!!!!!!! what language do you speak?
right click my computer > properties > hardware > something something with ''management'' first thing > usb controllers > with my mp3 player it was named something differently then it should have been, look there you might find it. or else format:D
lol => i cant use my keyboard and mouse!! so i cant click on anything :P gonna format then! thanks anywayz!
run in safe mode
yea i tried that but it failed :(
im watching pron while reading this so no need for minimize
open bios @ boot and enable ur usb ports -_-'
maybe explain him how,
at my pc"when Im booting; press delete key 1000 times and i get into my bios.
hard to get into bios without keyboard though :O)
ive gotmy usb mouse & keyboard already enabled in BIOS, unless you mean something else
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