#bust3D is recruiting an ET-Team (again..)

so we got the same problem again.. our current et-team is 2 lowskilled & they can't speak english..

this is the last chance of #bust3D recruiting an ET-Team. If we won't find one then we will be CoD4 only.

We got:

- gameserver

- ts, vent, mumble (not running atm)

- radio server

- bnc's

We want:

- a skilled, motivated and active ET-Team

- your team must be complete and reliable (not a 2 weeks team)

- no cheaters 'n' stuff

you can pm one of the op's in #bust3D or pm me here.
gl @ cod4 only :>
maybe try to post giving an impression that ur a good mgc instead of a not so good 1 using words like cheaters n stuff, maybe then it will appeal more to the better teams and look more professional. GL this post isnt meant as flame.
Quote by bestebesteso we got the same problem again.. our current et-team is 2 lowskilled & they can't speak english..

So I suggest to change manager/org first.
you didn't have a page so you don't look serious in my eyes
gl bestebeste <3
serious buisness c':
<emortal> anythink else u want to know ?
<GeddoN> if we recruit you we can provide you with undetected private cheats
<emortal> hmm
<emortal> no thx we are good anoth :>

thats wat i got wen i was speaking to him just to let the hole community know :>

<GeddoN> well im better than butchji or mAus as well.. but i'm inactive :(
<emortal> =]
<GeddoN> well i'm not kidding :o
<emortal> never said u were
<GeddoN> just to let you know ^^
nice try

<emortal> in 2o2 ladder me and mAv could be in top 10 if we tryed
<emortal> yesterday me and mAv beat keran and butchji at 2o2
<GeddoN> haha, proofs? :D
<emortal> i will give u demo after mav finished playing 3o3
<emortal> funny as
<emortal> we own at 2o2

<emortal> im quite a know player by people who play ET XD

with the priv cheats was only a little test & I only wrote that I'm better than butchji and mAus because of your previous comment about bashing keran and butchji in a 2on2 :D
sarcasm - do you know it?
i extended the truth with butchji but agiast keran true :>

nice way to give myself a ego boost and everyone know u without haxs = low+
let's face it you're only a wnb who hasn't achieved anything yet in his whole e-life :'D
gl own3D
emortal you are a noob and a clanhopper.
what because i left fc| because it suxs
maybe u do it? :x
ban this poor shit... i was just playing 1v1 against that geddon... some nolife ultimate hacker pretending he is the best -.-
shut up lowskiller
bust3D is bestebeste gL
he's in one of Julma-Henris songs. Riivaajat is the song i think, funny.

and LOLLLLL @ <emortal> yesterday me and mAv beat keran and butchji at 2o2

yo ben =) <3

I shall be in touch soon ;o hope ur all gd bro =)
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