bomk is looking for ET Team

image: bomkbanner1bh3

Good Evening everybody,

The wellknown German multigaming Clan "bomk" is looking for a dedicated skilled and wellknown Enemy Territory Team, preferably German.

[center]Requirements : [/center]

- be stable : you should be playing together for quite a while.

- be lanable : we want you to perform on international events, as well as those ones, which are far away like Quakecon.

- be skilled : you should be Eurocup skilled.

- be clean : we accept no cheater nor ex-cheaters.

- be dedicated : it is very important to have clear goal, a lot praccing is necessary.

- be mature : we do not want any childs nor immature half adults.

[center] Who we are : [/center]

bomk is a wellknown and successful German multigaming organisation. We currently have four squads, which are a CSS Team ( EPS XI 7th ), a Warcraft 3 Team ( currently first at WCIP ), a FIFA Team ( currently rank 1 EAS 1st division ) and a Call of Duty 4 Team.
As you might have noticed when seeing our WC 3 Team we are currently aiming to become as successful as we are in Germany in Europe. Although we do take international Squads, German Teams are prefered.

[center] What you will receive : [/center]

- Gamerserver
- Voiceserver
- Bouncers
- LanShirts
- great page with good newscrew

Contact informations :


Query bomk|miTTi or bomk|Sheepi at #bomk .


Send an E-Mail to [email protected] with your full application.


Write a private message to me.


Add me on MSN: [email protected] and/or xfire: mittischlumpf

Post Scriptum :

Please support our channel #bomk and participate in the shirtcontest and earn nice prizes. You can find everything on our page !!!

Yours sincerly,
[center] miTTi [/center]
bomk bomk bomk said the guy who was jumping tarlalala
yay lanshirts!
sexy name =) gl!
"- be clean : we accept no cheater nor ex-cheaters." :-D

booooooooooooooooom....K? gl hf
hahahaaa you want people to go to lans like Qcon, but don't provide full lan support gg

only t-shirts @ lan, nothing else lol
If you qualify you will get enough, so dont worry.
QuoteThe wellknown German multigaming Clan "bomk"

Yes it is. It just seems as if you dont have a clue.
actually it is
gl ;o
gl really nice mg clan
is there actually a german team that would fill those conditions? I doubt it. and well... a lanshirt is quite weak lansupport if you want the team to attend lans...
you will get more ofc. It is only for now immediately support
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