Weird psu problem

Not long ago I upgraded my computer a bit and needed a new psu to have enough power to it all. I ordered the Gigabyte Odin 800W psu because it had gotten some pretty positive reviews. When i put the computer together however, i ran into some trouble. I didn't get a picture when i started the computer. At first I thought it was the new video card, but a friend came over with his computer, and they worked fine there. Then I tested with a different cpu, different ram and even different mobo, still same problem, no picture. Then I tried a different psu, and suddenly everything worked fine. So I sent the psu back and used my old 355W enermax while installing windows and all programs. Then, yesterday, I got the psu back. They had tested it and said it was ok. But I still had the same problem. I only connected it to the same components as with the 355W psu, but still no picture. Now for the really strange part, when i used the 800W psu and booted, then ofc there was no pic as i have mentioned, but it still booted into windows and logged onto msn etc., so all the other components definately got power. There is 4 PCIe connectors on it, 2 modular and 2 non-modular. I tried each and every one of them, no luck. Then I tried the 2xmolex to 6pin PCIe cable i used with the old psu, still nothing.
I called the store, and they were at least as baffled as me. They're sending me a new psu, a Thermaltake 750W, and I hope that one will do the trick. But what I'm wondering is, has anyone encountered or heard of such a problem before? Any ideas as to what could have caused it?

btw, I used both dvi connectors on the vid card. One went to my monitor, an Asus MW221u, the other to my Samsung LE40M87 tv. On the tv, when the computer was off, the message on the screen was "Check signal cable", which it always is when it's off. Then, when i turned it on the message disappeared for a sec, and then "No signal" appeared. The asus didn't react at all.

Small update: The fan on the videocard was running, so at least it got some power...
Phantasy Star Universe.
you realise that the more you write the less the people that will read it? thats a cf rule i think
No, its a common humanity rule.
you never said what gfx card you have, apparently new nvidia 8x00 cards(even some older 7900 series) are incompatible with some types of PSU
I have geforce 8800gt. sounds strange, but i guess that could be the reason then. Although the psu is sli certified...
If it's certified, it should work, if it doensn't work, something's wrong.

I've heard of it before tho, most people just switch to another psu, just like you :D
Not necessarily . There might be some mobo conflict too . I have Abit
IP35 Pro and before I purchased it I read some Abit and hardware forums . There were people who had problems with getting it going with certain PSU -s and it worked like a charm with others . These things can happen .
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