Looking for admins

#clansonly.wars : channel dedicated to clanwars without mixes (from 2on2 to 6on6) is looking for new active admins

You can pm me in the chan (i won't be there just before midday wait4me)


We will offer a new service in the next weekend (bots are in development) :

clanless people will soon be able to register themself in the channel as : available for a try out now (+voice)

and recruiting clans will just have to pm the voices and ask for a test before search for a clanwar in the same place


What are you thinking about it ? your opinion interests us although we know that those who answer here are the flamers... unfortunately
sounds cool but its alot of work :D
indeed its a nice idea but such channels came up in masses and dissapered in 2 weeks cuz nobody really cares about it. It`s sad but thats the experience i made
I offered my help some time ago, you guys werent even answering my questions so please..
Snaake on 11/02/08, 19:29:10 PM | Reply

I waited my whole life on this moment!



and you want to be admin ? no thanks
well, you should give some information to the people who want to become an admin. Have fun finding new admins.
Any cup/channel without you as an admin = win.
hi hVk, hater! How are u btw? :O
I'm fine :]
im fine ;) kinda inactive or smth =D
Why do you post that "Im inactive stoof" on every topic:oooo
hey ZERO, i dont :\ but whatever
#clansonly.wars : channel dedicated to clanwars without mixes (from 2on2 to 6on6) is looking for new active admins

clanless people will soon be able to register themself in the channel as : available for a try out now (+voice)

isnt that a sort of mix ? :D
a try out isn't a mix for me, the tested player have to apply the strat and do what the leader in game is saying to him
There is called a Reply button At the right side of the line, if you click on it. You will reply on the message that the boy/girl gave.
as i did above for snake
I realized it when I pressed on submit, but i didn't know that it was so important for you dude soz :D
:XD, I'm just fucking with u ^^
You! Choke on a duck
how do you find out if it's a mix or clan?
When you're in game and they have difficulties with putting a tag, they're a mix
ok, but I didn't mean that, how do the channel admins know?

although what you wrote doesn't have to be true, some people just don't like to wear tags ;)
they don't :p good for me, bad for clans
I'd rather go into #6on6.et channel and ask for "no mixes"

Mixes will also look for wars in the clanwars only channel, so this idea -sorry for being that honest- is rather useless.
I said What What.....
The following errors occured:
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.

in wsks ugly butt!!! :P

there is channel also #clanless-et where you will get +v for typic !cless so imo pointless idea :(
its not hard to idle 2 channels.
dudes my question isn't for the channel, we already know that it work :p but it's for cless and recruiting clans
what do you exactly want from these admins ? what they are supposed to do ?
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