Warsow (trick & muz/banaan)

After months of not playing ET I noticed there was a new version of Warsow. I downloaded it and i like it. I miss competetive gaming in a clan so I decided to give it a shot again.

My m8 muz aka banaan is also looking for a team.

So what we are looking for is a Warsow clan with
- some skill equal to ours
- 16+

We speak Netherlands and England

We dont know the amount of clans to each gametype/teamsize, we are open to all so we hope to find one soon.

for more info about ex-clans check my and banaan's profile

pm me
succes ermee
try the warsow.net forums aswell if u didn't yet
gl i will miss you :'(
hf @ warchow !
gl Mr.Yilmaz <3
isn't that a 1v1 game?
ET is a 1on1 game too!
Succes mijn jongen!
i like 0.32 more =X

but #warsow.pickup is still active! and always will b!
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