Laihias gifts for the Enemy Territory community

two finnish players looking for a 6on6 clan that:

- has a stable lineup
- plays at least 5 days a week
- has decent tacs & teamplay & comms
- will be participating in upcoming cups



- finnish
- 16 years old
- superactive
- ~med skilled, test game to make your own opinion
- finnish & english speaker
- medic/fop on def - medic/engi on attack


- finnish too
- 16 years old too
- superactive too
- ~med skilled, test game to make your own opinion too
- finnish & english speaker too
- medic/fop/rifle

We are on #p!rates
image: cupgoldnt01st in forum id 1337
image: cup_silver in forum id 1337
image: cup_bronze in forum id 1337
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