L8te players


im in need of a team but i can only play really late!!
so i was wondering if any teams are recruiting!!! Benelux or european don't care as long as i can play!!!!

about me:

- 23 years
- skill: dunno I will let you be the judge of that
- avi 2 days a week (tuesdays and wednesdays)
- friendly,Humoristic
- dont have to go to bed @ 22.00!!! since i play from 22.00 until i decide to go 2 bed

well thats bout it!!

cya laterz

pm here or # m8d
first thought u invented new way of pronouncing 1337 oO

"L8te players"
that actually dont fucking sound like leet it sound like late
in duth it sounds like leejt
ok !!!!!!!
Lol channeö is with damm password... ?
luv your music btw =P
Start a 3v3 team!! gl
i want 2 but i need players who know me or atleastknow my name :x
GL weezel<3
love you mate
gl, n1 music ;)
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