i have a problem :S

i have this problem (pic)

in just one fucking server, in others servers i dont have problems xd .. i dont know what it is...need your help pls...
thanks (:
Hi Oliver,you are not connected
im connected, that's not funny
you use wireless?then your problem is probably your inet connection stops. has something to do with Windows Zero Configuration.

Start > execute> services.msc > Windows Zero Configuration

u can try turning it off, although that only works on one of the 2 wireless networks for me, the other one makes the inet go down totally.
Haha i use wirless for 2 years, would be crazy if i didnt know, btw biit, its bedtime for you, or did you pie again in your sleep because u had a nightmare? :< If so i can come and hug you till you sleep and then go back!
i am not even gonna open that link because im sure it leads to some gay german porno with 2 females who look like guys and have huge smg's which they insert in eachother, so please.
you should watch it, really :)
ty, r00kie
im not using wireless =/
maybe it's because of that server port?
nuuu is a friend's problem and i can join to the server...
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