Want to make COD4 clan!

I'm looking for some people who want to create a COD4 clan called "aDonis"

It is going to be a multigaming clan with my brother who plays ET (clan is aka aDonis [aD]), they are a very good team with sponsor ( www.Second-Media.org ) and have a very own ventrilo server and soon a very own clan server.

So I'm looking for some pretty good skilled players who wish to take the initiative and create a clan for COD4.

Players who are interested PM me on Crossfire or add my Xfire: SuperSnack

the site is www.aDonis-ET.co.nr (link will change if multigaming clan is made)

-Kind Regarts tree (aka ex-ET Snack :D)
gl with your finding
serious business
u have a typo over there
(link will change if mutligaming clan is made)

u still have it
I paly cod4
woetie = clanleader of ET aDonis clan! & my bro >.>
ur brother is med+ with his uber play0r called urma (too med) !!
good team xD
i always thought that good et team named aD was angel dust... but i guess im wrong. Btw aDonis sounds so gaayyy... ;P
tree = woetie = tNa and there is anyother one please mate just stick with original name.
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