Skilled Mouse ??

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I got that mouse but is he good :S
I buy the mx518 i think
Do that, its great
Don't decide to buy mx518 on the opinion of other players, take a mouse that you like, ask to feel the mouse with your own hands, and after that you can decide..
HE? wtf....
she sux.

take a razer copperhead / deathader or Logitech MX 518 / G5 !
that mouse is G5? :)
it works fine for me... take it, love it. :o)
that mouse is mx1000 ..
look your mouse(g5) and look the pic.. can you see the difference ?
I don't get this?

I got that mouse but he is good? whats the problem than? and why the emoticon: :s?
its the mx1000 But evry1 say that hes bad so :S
i had it to but its really bad
she is, u fag.
go die nickfaker
explain. who am i faking?
buy mx518
I do if i have the money :(
if u like it... its good
your own choice imo
wireless suxx imo
razer DA / CH
wireless is bs
razer diamondback ...
Razer copperhead + Razer exactmat
i got an mx518 and never had problems with it, best mouse evah!
g3 > all :DD
no command 4 my command :DD lold
MX 518 ftw.
go for RAZER copperhead best mouse eva
Razer Diamondback Plasma + Razer Mantis Speed = np4you.
He is skilled
image: 097855038845
logi g3 > all :S
DA | mx518 , those mouses are best , g3 is piece of unworthy shit :d
You think the mouse is youre aim?
you think when u have no mouse u can play ?
Hm buy razer deathadder this mouse have good precision and good sensor Razer + mantis good choice :)))
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