post your config!

he mates.
post you config in here
i want to see if mine is good or like others :)
thx bibuy<3
Pls die. allready the 33.333st post omg, die.

sorry for my flame but please.
so true, too lazy to use search.

@reviAn: Open search:enter "post config" in search bar,select topics forums and journals and click search.

gonna copy paste this for the next 10^2 "post your config" posts
QuotePlayers that sends me a private message on irc, telling (read:crying) about how they lost their game-config, and they had
to format their pc. After a lot of soap opera it all ends in a question; "Can I have your config?". Do you guys actually
believe that someone elses config will make you play like them, or anything better? Well, ofc if you got problems setting
up your hardware, finding the right configuration for seeing a lot more in the game etc. Then it might help out somewhat.
profile = config, cba getting a ss, just too lazy
Configs are machine and person specific. Also due to whether you use hwgamma or not may look either dark or bright from a screenshot. Make your own....

image: 20080224102159swgoldrusvs3
so true.. some one is playing with dark config someone with white... its just the person how he want to play.. btw your config looks nice =)
locked at 76 fps smooth !!
:D locked at 125 :(
lol me has zeh some 0.0
what are your crosshair settings?

seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "64"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "red"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
If you can so upload the whole settings please but in one cfg file or in rar archive pl0x!

if you want to try settings take the unbindall out at start or lose key binds :p
0-38 fps jumping like a mad monkey.
image: image:

image: image:

image: image:

image: image:

image: image:

image: image:

seta pmove_fixed "0"
seta sensitivity "2.5"
seta snaps "20"
seta mv_sensitivity "20"
seta m_pitch "0.024"
seta cf_wstats "0.98"
seta cf_wtopshots "1.0"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta logfile 2
seta scr_conspeed "9999"
seta con_debug "0"
seta devdll "1"
seta net_noipx "1"
seta net_noudp "0"
in_mouse "1"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta rate "25000"

// other

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind = "zoomin"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind TAB "+scores"
bind m "+mapexpand"
bind v "mp_quickmessage"
bind b "+zoom"
bind t "messagemode"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind u "messagemode3"
bind n "toggle cg_drawgun"
bind i say "^e: ^5]]]"

// shoot & weapons

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind R "weapalt"
bind 1 "com_maxfps 125; weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "com_maxfps 76; weaponbank 2"
bind 3 "com_maxfps 125; weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "com_maxfps 125; weaponbank 4"
bind MOUSE4 "com_maxfps 125; weaponbank 5"
bind MOUSE5 "com_maxfps 125; weaponbank 6"
bind l "openlimbomenu"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
bind . "+stats"
bind / "+topshots"
bind MOUSE3 "+speed"

// movements

bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+leanright"
bind q "+leanleft"
bind Ctrl "unbind w; unbind d; unbind a; unbind s;-forward ; wait 1 ; -back ; wait 1 ; -moveleft ; wait 1 ;-moveright ; wait 1 ; +prone ; wait 1 ;bind w +forward ; bind d +moveright ; bind a +moveleft ; bind s +back ; -prone; shrug""
bind f "+activate"
bind Mouse2 "+reload"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind c "+movedown"
bind p pause
bind kp_home say "^7Lakaiii ^ex^cDDD^7: ^2learn how to use a sniper without scripts"
bind kp_uparrow exec dick
bind z "kill; forcetapout"
bind x "vstr fovchange"
set fovchange1 "set fovchange vstr fovchange2; cg_fov 90; sensitivity 1.5"
set fovchange2 "set fovchange vstr fovchange1; cg_fov 110; sensitivity 2.5"
set fovchange "vstr fovchange1"

// vote

bind 5 "vote yes"
bind 6 "vote no"
bind 7 "ready"
bind 8 "notready

// fireteam

bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"


seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_instanttapout "0"
seta cg_emptyswitch "1.0000"
seta cg_drawdamagekick "0"
seta cg_drawfallkick "0"
seta cg_fallkick "0"
seta cg_damagekick "0"
seta cg_impactvibration "0"
seta cg_muzzleFlash "0"
seta cg_hudFiles "ui_mp/hud.txt"
seta cg_drawRewards "0.0000"
seta cg_drawdamage "0"
seta cg_drawIcons "1.0000"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "0.0000"
seta cg_drawTimer "1"
seta cg_drawAllWeaps "1.0000"
seta cg_drawFrags "1.0000"
seta cg_drawAttacker "0.0000"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1.0000"
seta cg_reticleBrightness "0.7000"
seta cg_reticleType "1.0000"
seta cg_simpleItems "1"
seta cg_drawgun "1"
seta cg_drawFPGun "0"
seta cg_currentSelectedPlayer "0.0000"
seta cg_uselessNostalgia "0"
seta cg_vertexlight "1"
seta cg_smallCompass "1"
seta cg_lodbias "9999"
seta cg_lodscale "9999"
seta cg_recoilPitch "0"
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "0"
seta cg_drawspectatoralpha "0"
seta cg_centertime "5"
seta cg_recording_statusline "9"
seta cg_hudAlpha "4.0"
seta cg_errordecay "100"
seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons "1"
seta cg_drawfireteamoverlay "2"
seta cg_gunx "0"
seta cg_guny "0"
seta cg_atmosphericeffects "0"
seta cg_blinktime "0"
seta cg_crosshairhealth "0"
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
seta cg_specSwing "1"
seta cg_specHelp "0"
seta cg_noVoiceText "0"
seta cg_noVoiceChats "0"
seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
seta cg_fastSolids "1"
seta cg_noTaunt "1"
seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_coronas "0"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "6"
seta cg_teamChatTime "8000"
seta cg_bloodTime "0"
seta cg_bobyaw "0"
seta cg_bobroll "0"
seta cg_bobpitch "0"
seta cg_bobup "0"
seta cg_runroll "0"
seta cg_runpitch "0"
seta cg_railTrailTime "0"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_cycleAllWeaps "1"
seta cg_weaponCycleDelay "0"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "2"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_fov "110"
seta cg_zoomStepFG "10"
seta cg_zoomStepSnooper "5"
seta cg_zoomStepBinoc "3"
seta cg_zoomDefaultFG "55"
seta cg_zoomDefaultSnooper "40"
seta cg_zoomDefaultBinoc "22.5"
seta cg_autoaction "7"
seta cg_drawspreadscale "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta cg_coronafardist "0"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
seta cg_crosshairColor "cyan"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG "1"
seta cg_printObjectiveInfo "1"
seta cg_announcer "1"
seta cg_complaintPopUp "0"
seta cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "0"
seta cg_bloodFlash "0"
seta cg_showblood "0"
seta cg_drawRoundTimer "1"
seta cg_drawBuddies "1"
seta cg_marktime "0"
seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_brassTime "0"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta cg_autoReload "0"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_autoactivate "1"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cg_zoomstepsniper "2"
seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "1000"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "9"
seta cg_crosshairSize "25"
seta cg_voiceSpriteTime "6000"
seta cg_cursorHints "7"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2"
seta cg_descriptiveText "1"
seta cg_popupLimboMenu "0"
seta cg_quickMessageAlt "1"
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
seta cg_drawCompass "1"
seta cg_wolfparticles "0"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cg_zoomfov 1000


seta cl_demorecording "0"
seta cl_demofilename ""
seta cl_demooffset "0"
seta cl_waverecording "0"
seta cl_wavefilename ""
seta cl_waveoffset "0"
seta cl_packetloss "0"
seta cl_packetdelay "0"
seta cl_cacheGathering "0"
seta cl_updatefiles ""
seta cl_updateavailable "0"
seta cl_debugTranslation "0"
seta cl_language "0"
seta cl_waitForFire "0"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
seta cl_anonymous "0"
seta cl_maxPing "100"
seta cl_doubletapdelay "0"
seta cl_bypassMouseInput "0"
seta cl_serverStatusResendTime "750"
seta cl_conXOffset "0"
seta cl_wwwDownload "0"
seta cl_allowDownload "0"
seta cl_showmouserate "0"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_packetdup "2"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta cl_pitchspeed "0"
seta cl_yawspeed "0"
seta cl_forceavidemo "0"
seta cl_avidemo "0"
seta cl_autorecord "0"
seta cl_freezeDemo "0"
seta cl_showTimeDelta "0"
seta cl_showSend "0"
seta cl_showServerCommands "0"
seta cl_visibleClients "0"
seta cl_shownuments "0"
seta cl_shownet "0"
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta cl_wavefilerecord "0"
seta cl_timeout "200"
seta cl_autoupdate "1"
seta cl_motd "1"
seta cl_noprint "0"
seta cl_debugMove "0"
seta cl_nodelta "0"
seta cl_running "1"
seta cl_paused "0"
seta cl_125hz "1"


seta s_wavonly "0"
seta s_defaultsound "0"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_mixahead "0.14"
seta s_khz "44"
seta s_doppler "0"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
seta s_volume "0.6"
seta s_loadas8bit "1"
seta s_compression "1"
seta s_separation "0.4"


seta b_killshot_delay "0"
seta b_floodKickTime "0"
seta b_floodKickBurst "20"
seta b_floodKickRate "15"
seta b_extendedprone "0"
seta b_maxmortarpitch "0"
seta b_sv_hitsounds "1"
seta b_chargetransfer "1"
seta b_helmetprotection "1"
seta b_defaultbantime "300"
seta b_emptyscript ""
seta b_shrug "0"
seta b_wolfrof "0"
seta b_distancefalloff "1"
seta b_realHead "1"
seta b_flushItems "0"
seta b_pronedelay "0"
seta b_ettv_flags "3"
seta b_anticheat "1"
seta b_instagibDamage "400"
seta b_headshot "0"
seta b_cheatlog ""
seta b_cheatkicktime "-1"
seta b_intreadypercent "75"
seta b_floodMaxCommands "6"
seta b_damagexp "0"
seta b_antiwarp "1"
seta b_campaignFile ""
seta b_cursefilteraction "3"
seta b_cursefilter ""
seta b_customVoiceChat "1"
seta b_shoutcastpassword ""
seta b_mapscriptdirectory ""
seta b_mapconfigdirectory ""
seta b_spectatorNames "1"
seta b_logrealtimestamps "1"
seta b_brokenlogtimestamps "0"
seta b_showClientCmds "0"
seta b_stickycharge "1"
seta b_riflegrenades "1"
seta b_moverscale "1.0"
seta b_levels_covertops ""
seta b_levels_soldier ""
seta b_levels_lightweapons ""
seta b_levels_fieldops ""
seta b_levels_medic ""
seta b_levels_engineer ""
seta b_levels_battlesense ""
seta b_semiAdminLevels "0"
seta b_watermarkFadeTime "1.5"
seta b_watermarkFadeAfter "-1"
seta b_watermark ""
seta b_multiview "1"
seta b_xpstopwatch "0"
seta b_match_warmupjoin "0"
seta b_privatemessages "2"
seta b_intermissiontime "60"
seta b_statsaver "1"
seta b_shove_noz "1"
seta b_shove "80"
seta b_bannerlocation "128"
seta b_bannertime "0"
seta b_banners "0"
seta b_noskillupgrades "0"
seta b_defaultskills ""
seta b_smallPopups "1"
seta b_fireteamLatchedClass "1"
seta b_locationJustify "1"
seta b_locationMaxChars "12"
seta b_locationMode "2"
seta b_drawspectatorteamflags "1"
seta b_drawpromotions "0"
seta b_panzerhack "1"
seta b_goatSound "1"
seta b_speedinterval "100"
seta b_speedunit "0"
seta b_drawspeed "0"
seta b_mapzoom "4"
seta b_backupcvars "1"
seta b_simpleitems "1"
seta b_antilag "1"
seta b_hitsounds "1"
seta b_tracers "0"
seta b_muzzleFlash "0"
seta b_drawclock "1"
seta b_popupTime "0"
seta b_altHud "2"
seta b_altHudFlags "7"
seta b_chatFlags "1"
seta b_chatAlpha "0.7"
seta b_watermarkAlpha "0"
seta b_lagometerAlpha "1"
seta b_fireteamAlpha "1"
seta b_drawranks "0"
seta b_votetextscale "0.63"
seta b_numPopups "6"
seta b_descriptiveTextscale "0.63"
seta b_hudYoffset "0"
seta b_popupFadeTime "100"
seta b_popupStayTime "9999"
seta b_noTapoutWarning "0"
seta b_debugfakebmodel "0"
seta b_textcolorfilter ""
seta b_chatsounds "0"
seta b_shovesounds "0"
seta b_demo_nametags "0"
seta b_demo_dynamitecounter "0"
seta b_demo_panzercam "0"
seta b_demo_mortarcam "0"
seta b_demo_grenadecam "0"
seta b_demo_dynamitecam "0"
seta b_demo_followxDistance "50"
seta b_demo_followyDistance "0"
seta b_demo_followzDistance "20"
seta b_demo_yawturnspeed "140"
seta b_demo_pitchturnspeed "140"
seta b_demo_rollspeed "140"
seta b_tjl_draw "1"
seta b_cmdwarnings "1"
seta b_tjl_stoponnomove "1"
seta b_tjl_color "green"
seta b_tjl_showmaxspeed "0"
seta b_tjl_stepsize "0.5"
seta b_predefineddemokeys "1"
seta b_demo_nopitch "1"
seta b_demo_teamonlymissilecam "0"
seta b_demo_playersprites "1"
seta b_drawspectatoralpha "1"
seta b_demorecord_statusline "470"
seta b_demo_pvshint "0"
seta b_logbanners "1"
seta b_tjg_ghostfx "2"
seta b_noactivatelean "1"
seta b_demo_freecamspeed "800"
seta b_demo_autotimescaleweapons "0"
seta b_demo_autotimescale "1"
seta b_drawRewards "1"
seta b_weapaltReloads "1"
seta b_optimizePrediction "1"
seta b_centeredWeapons "1"
seta b_demo_lookat "-1"
seta b_tjl_quickslot "0"
seta b_debuglocations "0"


seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_vertexLight "1"
seta r_lowMemTextureSize "2048"
seta r_showsky "0"
seta r_showtris "0"
seta r_lodscale "9999"
seta r_uiFullScreen "0"
seta r_textureAnisotropy "0"
seta r_picmip2 "3"
seta r_highQualityVideo "0"
seta r_fullbright "1"
seta r_normallength "0.5"
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
seta r_drawfoliage "1"
seta r_cache "1"
seta r_ambientScale "0.5"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_gamma "2.3"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "0"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_fastsky "1"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_lodbias "9999"
seta r_lodCurveError "60"
seta r_intensity "1.5"
seta r_mapOverBrightBits "2"
seta r_displayRefresh "75"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
seta r_smp "0" unsafe
seta r_subdivisions "1"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "0"
seta r_customwidth "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_mode "8"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_depthbits "0"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_detailtextures "0"
seta r_rmse "0.0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_picmip "3"
seta r_clampToEdge "1"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0"
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0"
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_truform_tess "0"
seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
seta r_glIgnoreWicked3D "0"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta r_inGameVideo "1"


seta com_blood "0"
seta com_soundMegs "128"
seta com_recommendedSet "1"
seta com_introplayed "0"
seta com_watchdog_cmd ""
seta com_watchdog "60"
seta com_hunkMegs "512"
seta com_crashed "0"
seta com_ignorecrash "0"
seta com_zoneMegs "64"
seta com_blindlyloaddlls "1"
seta com_watchdog_cmd ""

// class

bind F1 "class m 1; say_teamnl ^emedic ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F2 "class f 1; say_teamnl ^efieldop ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F4 "class e 1; say_teamnl ^eengi ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F3 "class e 2; say_teamnl ^erifle ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F6 "class c 1; say_teamnl ^ecovert ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F8 "class s 4; say_teamnl ^epanzer ^5: ^e]]]"
bind F5 "class c 3; say_teamnl ^esniper ^5: ^e]]]"
bind Ins "team b 1"
bind home "team r 1"
bind pgup "team s 1"

// spawn

bind rightarrow "setspawnpt 4; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^54 ^e: ^5]]]"
bind del "setspawnpt 5; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^55 ^e: ^5]]]"
bind uparrow "setspawnpt 1; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^51 ^e: ^5]]]"
bind leftarrow "setspawnpt 2; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^52 ^e: ^5]]]"
bind downarrow "setspawnpt 3; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^53 ^e: ^5]]]"
bind end "setspawnpt 0; say_teamnl ^espawnpoint ^50 ^e: ^5]]]"
config, not bindings ._.
then use my config, make a screenshot and post it, if you care so much
I do not give a toss about it o_O
I want to see more of your config!
more pics? which map? and say the situation!
I dont care about situation or map just show more pics because Supply looks very nice to me!
Could you upload it in profile or something pl0x!
I can feel the egoboost that it gives to you!
i just wondered that do i have to pack this to *.tar-gzip or just *.zip mwuhaha
yeah ofc.... almost made a joke for you voz of that.. but i m not that mean!
xD i got the some ass he dous XD!!!!
Nice config give him!!!!!!!!!
my cfg is secret =]
I want your Enemy Territory pl0x!
i dont play that game :E
alexL cfg personalized :)

image: img_54b6d5609037fe17012c7355c5a71643
ss in my profile
config forum post #29
how much more threads ?
image: e2e2c178d5f66d0659a5a692264ec
first time ever i paste pic of my cfg in xfire
Rtcw CFGs :D
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