Searching 6vs6 Team

Since #etcc clan got a stable team now to play 6vs6, I'm bored :]
I'm looking for a stable (not starting) 6vs6 Enemy Territory team.

- Skill: Med
- Language: Dutch / English
- Class: Medic / Engineer Msg
- Available: Every night (Sunday - Thursday) from 20Pm - 22.30Pm

For more Info ask or Pm me.
who are you?
Alot of GL nice player :]
gtfo random lowskill noname omg

:V Sorry , this journal had no flame yet , had to contribute :D

GL !
glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll soulshot! :)

problemen met je ouders over? /Dutch
jij had tog ruzie met je ouders? waardoor je weg moest bij plr? of ben k nu in de war met iemand? :p
Al meer als halfjaar gelede.. al lang voorbij..
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