Revolution Aftermath

image: 13727832ja4

Revolution Aftermath are looking for 1 or 2 players active players to complete a 6o6 lineup.

What we can offer you;

- Voice Communication - We have 2 Ventrillo Servers and 1 TS server. (1 vent and the TS are from our sponsor)
-2 Game Servers
-A motivated team.
-Laid back group of people, who can have a laugh with each other.
- No red Yawns/ bans etc etc

What we want from you;

-Good Voice comms, ( english )
- Mature and friendly
- Active - can play a few days a week (Anytime between 4PM GMT - 11GMT)
- Clean yawn etc

image: sc Sean
image: sc Gabt
image: fr Rebel
image: en Tardler
image: en Unizo

image: en Shnaps

image: nl Wolf
image: dk Lazy
image: fr Hust
image: en Josh

CONTACT; pm me HERE, or contact (rebel, rewolf etc) on our irc
Goodluck ;)
pick me!!:P hahaa
what skill?>
kk then its good for meXD
gl :) nice banner
what skill?
med- mAx. I would rate us as low+ though we can handle med- as well.
ask shoes xDDD
Sean aka Sol ?! 8]
GL the scots ;)
i like the banner
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