
How i can see my demo whithout Seeing him whith Et?
he likes to be in Et to be see.
you is not so good at this engrish speak
the demo file consists of Enemy Territory game data so its not possible to view the demo without the game itself, or ofcourse if you somehow are able to remake the hole game source needed to make some "demo viewer program" :D
Send the demo to your friend, who then opens it with ET, records a video from it and sends the video to you. If you don't have any friends, then you'll have to watch it with ET at least once.
yes but you know a program To see my demos? "And i got friends":P
Some1 Knows A program to see demos ?
its possible but like Jacker said, there is no Programm that has been yet developed ^^

so no
you need ET anyway
I made a nice program for it but its secret, sorry.

I just type the time (that i want to record) and the program saves the action into avi..
You must be the coder of windows me
Actually i programed some stuff for microsoft too..
wont comment in which way the quality of ms products could be influenced by your participation at the coding

(dont take me serious, just flaming around randomly)
Now thats serious business.
you need et anyway, but there are programs like seismovision which are kinda handy.
speak engrish pl0x
omg omg omg .-.-.-
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