CDC4 ride or train mate :P

Hoi, I'm arriving at Schiphol at thursday around 11AM, if there's anyone willing to pick me up over to Enschede please let me know. Ofcourse I could wait for a few hours if your traveling later.

Also, if there are some people traveling together by train, I'd like to join you in case I don't find car transportation.

If your wondering why... I just hate traveling alone, especialy since the trains and the stations are fucking enormous comparing to Croatia, where you can travel without any stress that you'll be late or miss to switch a train..
enormous? the train stations in the netherlands? damn you gotta be kidding me
never been in croatia? they have wooden trains ...
yo sheep fix your profile! I didn't play in revoltados and i played in mylegend #2!
2 players ( neve & c4os ) of n1ce will arrive at the same hour there
ill be in amsterdam around 13:00
how about some sexytime in the nearest restroom?
im going from Utrecht to enschede:O
whole team n1ce is in amsterdam @ 13.00 so if you wanna come with some dirty Italy bastards by train you are welcome!!
sure :)

can't wait to meet the notorious mama anyway :)))
mama is not coming.. he's online only
I live in amsterdam and will pick up domi @ 7:30 pm and then we'll go by train.. I can pick you up too if you want. Kiewan and kitty are joining us at utrecht
"full loaded"
Notice how he ignores me :(
The train journey is very easy, it's just very boring. If you get the train that leaves closer to the hour, you only have to swap once.
is the train leaving from amsterdam central or from the airport aswell ?
The train leaves from schipol airport. The airport and the train platforms are integrated.

As soon as you have collected your bags from the plane, you just follow the signs to the trains, very very easy.
You're so gonna get lost when I'm not there to help you!
:p are u gonna stay @ amsterdam on thursday ?
I live in amsterdam :O and I'm going to enschede @ 8 pm or so because I have to pick up Domi at the airport.
ah well we all gonna arrive much earlier dont think we are gonna stay untill 8 pm in amsterdam ( unless we will be lost in the city and cant get out :> )
and if there is a club or something in enschede and u are gonna go there this time TAKE US WITH YOU
we did the rafiki tour last time and it ended in a service station eating some bread
No but I can show you around =P a bit
ah okay im gonna bother you later then !
I can pick you up we can go redlight in Amsterdam xDDDDDDD
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