Help with bnc's

I've got some bnc's that i want to be able to give out, but irc have G-lined me and say that i have to apply for a lincense. Anywho i did this and the msg i got back was :
Status: Bad Request
Reason: You are required to run an IDENT (AUTH) service.

Can any1 tell me wtf that means and how i can solve it, i have 300 bnc's but can't use them :<
Dont know, but if U got 3oo you can give me one o_0 ;/ XD
300 bnc's Oo, sponsor me when it works :)
ye my bnc isnt working

enuff for sparta army np
image: img_c7f666d1ceba83923302ac78404c6b82
do u like it?
i like it

what is it?
its a banner, just asked your opinion :))))
other font imo
why dont you apply for a license than? ^^

gimme one plz! :D
I would give ppl 1, but as it says in the topiic they dont work cos i got my ass G-lined. Can any1 help me solve this problem instead of asking for a bnc ?
Its not as easy as just setting up 300 bnc's you need to apply for a trust or licence, and they are pretty hard to get to, I think the max connections you can have from same host is like 5 before they G-line the host.
need to auth...
hf giving bnc's to people :>
you need to ask a trust in quakenet.
Quakenet doesnt allow any more than 5 ips on there server.

*Edit: I really doubt that Quakenet gives you a trust of 300 connections...
gimme couple bnc!
just use a proxy and all your g-lines are gone
You gotta ask for a trust, but i dont know if they allow 300 per IP
I have asked for a trust, that is what i did but they sent a msg back to me saying

Status: Bad Request
Reason: You are required to run an IDENT (AUTH) service.

So i know u need a trust, as i applied for one but they wouldn't give me 1. Need to know WTF an auth service is, as i have a log-in to L so not sure wht they mean
Maybeh its fake bnc's
lol yes you got me, i made this topic and my time for a lot of "fake" bnc's. Fuck me arnt you clever....
that's not new he is a retard, did you auth ( /msg [email protected] AUTH username password), maybe try contacting them directly ( their site)
you must have ident installed on your box.



O yes and this

New commercial trusts are NOT being added at this time !!
2 easy
daredevl gimmi 1 :DDD
Qnet is naabish place not even ipv6 support :<
ask h3ll
<@Cow> oneofTHEM: you need and identd running and you need to request a trust - - that what IRCop told me
yea Scott, get yer act together you cunt, I want my BNC :P
gimme one plz :)
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