
i'm saying goodbye to the Et gaming ...

I'm to busy working and other personal reasons to compete as an active ET player.

Full of cheaters anywayz...

See you on ETTV sometimes and here.

Hope to cya back ingame in ET²
good luck Bryan m8 :)
Goodbye for now.

dont know u but still

hf irl
dont know you neither but gl in the future and irl
good bye and good luck in real life
i'm saying goodbye to the Et gaming ...

Hope to cya back ingame in ET²

smartest smart ever §§!!

ps:goodbye dude
notice that two (2) there
bb gl in rl
bibuy, hF
Goodluck & have fun irl, bibuy!
bb business man
Same for me, not interested of ET anymore, or any other game :/ So yeah, cu.
same here, bb
has left ET for modeling career
bb HF in rl
Brian > bryan :) na GL man bb
Brian is my real name ... powned
good same here :)
bye mate gl in the future
You werent active for months now anyway, so it was kinda expected.
GL irl and not to much martini pls!
bb mate :<
bb, hope u come back
Hey matey!

GL and we will cu again @ RTCW2! :D
bb bryan !
gl hf in rl ;d
auf wiedersehen
we need unlaggy nohack servers.. or new pb ... we need better antihack things / and antilag
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