How i MAke my CFg very nice And clean Whith nice ghpx ?
fuck you
r_texturebits "32"
r_colorbits "32"
r_depthbits "24"
r_lodbias "-2"
r_picmip "0"
r_mode "8"
nice + clean + nice graphics = impossible
// _____________________
// | |
// | BloOdje's Settings |
// |____________________|

// [Client Engine]

seta com_hunkMegs 256 // Memory Allocation : 1/2 of Physical Memory Up to 256
seta com_ignoreCrash 1 // Toggles Safe Mode After Crash
seta com_maxFps 76 // Sets Maximum FPS : (Mouse Polling Rate)/k && 1000/t
seta com_soundMegs 64 // Memory Allocation for Sound System

seta con_autoClear 1 // Toggles Clearing of Unfinished Text After Closing Console

seta cl_allowDownload 0 // Toggles Auto-Download
seta cl_autoUpdate 0 // Toggles Auto Update
seta cl_doubletapDelay 0 // Sets Delay Between Two Forward Taps While Crouching to Prone
seta cl_freelook 1 // Toggles Mouse to Look Around
seta cl_maxPackets 76 // Sets Maximum Packet Rate
seta cl_maxPing 999 // Sets Maximum Ping Limit for Ingame Broweser
seta cl_motd 0 // Toggles Message of the Day from Master Server
seta cl_mouseAccel 0 // Toggles Mouse Acceleration
seta cl_packetDup 4 // Sets Number of Duplicated Packets : Floor(100/(Floor(1000/com_maxFps)*Ceil(Floor(1000/cl_maxPackets)/Floor(1000/com_maxFps))))-2
seta cl_punkbuster 1 // Sets Punkbuster
seta cl_run 1 // Toggles AlwaysRun
seta cl_timeNudge 0 // Sets Server Snapshot Interpolation/Extrapolation
seta cl_timeout 60 // Sets Timeout Duration Before Disconnecting from Server
seta cl_wwwDownload 0 // Toggles Usage of External Download Links

seta in_joystick 0 // Toggles Support for Joystick
seta in_midi 0 // Toggles Support for Midi
seta in_mouse 1 // Toggles Support for Mouse

seta logfile 1 // Sets Loging

seta m_filter 0 // Toggles Mouse Smoothing
seta m_pitch 0.022 // Sets Mouse Vertical Speed Multiplier
seta m_yaw 0.022 // Sets Mouse Horizantal Speed Multiplier

seta mv_sensitivity 20 // Sets Multiview Sensitivity

seta name ^0BloOdje // Sets Player Name

seta net_noIpx 0 // Toggles Usage of IPX
seta net_noUdp 0 // Toggles Usage of UDP
seta net_socksEnabled 0 // Toggles Usage of Socks Server

seta pb_security 0 // Sets PB Security

seta pmove_fixed 0 // Toggles Movement Synchronization Between Client & Server

seta rate 25000 // Sets Maximum Rate from Server to Client
seta snaps 20 // Sets Number of Snapshots Sent by Server to Client

seta scr_conSpeed 999 // Sets Console Sliding Speed

seta sensitivity 2.6 // Sets Mouse Sensitivity

seta timescale 44 // Sets Game Speed (waiting for server)

seta vm_cgame 0 // Toggles Virtual Machine Interpreter
seta vm_game 0 // 0 : Loads As Binary .dll (fast)
seta vm_ui 0 // 1 : Loads As Interpreted .qvm (slow)

// [Client Game]

seta cg_draw2D 1 // Toggles Drawing of Hud Elements
seta cg_drawCompass 1 // Toggles Drawing of Compass & Command Map
seta cg_drawCrosshair 5 // Sets Crosshair Type
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames 1 // Toggles Drawing of Player Names
seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay 1 // Toggles Drawing of Fireteam Layout
seta cg_drawFPS 0 // Toggles Drawing of FPS Counter
seta cg_drawGun 1 // Toggles Drawing of Gun
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime 1 // Toggles Drawing of Respawn Time
seta cg_drawRoundTimer 1 // Toggles Drawing of Round Timer
seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons 1 // Toggles Drawing of Small Popups
seta cg_drawSnapshot 0 // Toggles Drawing of Snapshot Counter
seta cg_drawSpreadScale 1 // Toggles Drawing of Spread Scale
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 2 // Toggles Weapon Icon Flashing

seta cg_announcer 1 // Toggles Announcer at Match Start
seta cg_atmosphericEffects 0 // Toggles Drawing of Rain/snow/lightning
seta cg_autoAction 0 // Toggles Autoscreenshot, Autorecord & Autostats
seta cg_autoActivate 1 // Toggles Automatic Pickup of Items
seta cg_autoReload 0 // Toggles Automatic Reload When out of Ammo
seta cg_autoSwitch 0 // Toggles Automatic Weapon Switch When Picked Up
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend 0 // Toggles Blood Splater
seta cg_bloodFlash 0 // Toggles Blood Flash When Hit
seta cg_bloodTime 0 // Sets Duration to Keep Blood Blending on Surfaces
seta cg_bobPitch 0 // Sets View Pitching While Moving
seta cg_bobRoll 0 // Sets View Rolling While Moving
seta cg_bobUp 0 // Sets View Bobing Up/down While Moving
seta cg_brassTime 0 // Sets Duration to Keep Used Shells on Maps
seta cg_complaintPopup 0 // Toggles Complaint Popups When Team-Killed
seta cg_coronas 0 // Toggles Rendering of Halos Around Luminous Light Sources
seta cg_crosshairAlpha 1 // Sets Crosshair Primary Alpha
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "" // Sets Crosshair Secondary Alpha
seta cg_crosshairColor 0xFF0000 // Sets Crosshair Primary Color
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "" // Sets Crosshair Secondary Color
seta cg_crosshairHealth 0 // Toggles Drawing of Crosshair Color Based on Current Health
seta cg_crosshairPulse 0 // Toggles Crosshair Pulsing
seta cg_crosshairSize 52 // Sets Crosshair Size
seta cg_crosshairX 0 // Sets Crosshair Horizantal Offset
seta cg_crosshairY 0 // Sets Crosshair Vertical Offset
seta cg_cursorHints 4 // Toggles Crosshair Hints
seta cg_descriptiveText 0 // Toggles Display of Limbo Text
seta cg_errorDecay 100 // Sets Time to Decay Prediction Errors
seta cg_enableBreath 0 // Toggles Breathing Mist
seta cg_fov 90 // Sets Field of View
seta cg_gibs 0 // Toggles Rendering of Player Gibs
seta cg_gun_Frame 0 // Sets Gun Position
seta cg_instantTapout 1 // Toggles LMS Limbo Confirmation Menu
seta cg_lagometer 1 // Toggles Drawing of Lagometer
seta cg_markTime 0 // Sets Duration to Keep Wall Marks
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch 1 // Toggles Automatic Weapon Switch When Completely out of Ammo
seta cg_noVoiceChats 0 // Toggles Voice Chats
seta cg_noVoiceText 0 // Toggles Voice Text
seta cg_predictItems 0 // Toggles Item Picking Prediction
seta cg_quickMessageAlt 1 // Toggles Usage of Numbers or Letters in Vsay Menus
seta cg_recording_statusline 10 // Sets Vertical Offset of Recording Status
seta cg_shadows 0 // Toggles Rendering of Player Shadows
seta cg_showBlood 0 // Toggles Blood When Players Are Hit
seta cg_teamChatHeight 4 // Sets Maximum Number of Chats to Be Displayed
seta cg_teamChatsOnly 0 // Toggles Filter for Non-Team Chats
seta cg_teamChatTime 9999 // Sets Duration of Chats
seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG 1 // Toggles Usage of jpeg for Screenshots
seta cg_voiceSpriteTime 6000 // Sets Duration for Displaying Voice Tags Above Players
seta cg_wolfParticles 0 // Toggles Particles Effects
seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper 20 // Sets Default Zoom of Scoped Equipments (4-20)
seta cg_zoomStepSniper 8 // Sets Size of Zoom Steps

// [Rendering]

seta r_allowExtensions 1 // Toggles Opengl Extentions
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1 // Toggles Compiled Vertex Array
seta r_ext_compressed_textures 1 // Toggles Texture Compression
seta r_ext_multitexture 1 // Toggles Mutitexturing
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist 0 // Toggles Hardware Fog
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 0 // Toggles Anisotropic Filtering
seta r_ext_texture_env_add 1 // Toggles Additive Blending in Multitexturing

seta r_anisotropy 0 // Sets Level of AF
seta r_cache 1 // Toggles Caching Between Maps
seta r_cacheModels 1 // Toggles Model Caching
seta r_cacheShaders 1 // Toggles Shader Caching
seta r_colorBits 32 // Sets Color Bits
seta r_depthBits 24 // Sets Depth Buffer Bits
seta r_displayRefresh 75 // Sets Monitor Refresh Rate
seta r_drawFoliage 0 // Toggles Rendering of Foliage
seta r_drawSun 0 // Toggles Rendering of Sun
seta r_dynamicLight 0 // Toggles Dynamic Lights
seta r_facePlaneCull 1 // Toggles Culling of Brush Faces Not in View
seta r_fastSky 1 // Toggles Skybox Shader
seta r_finish 0 // Toggles Synchronization of Opengl Functions
seta r_flares 0 // Toggles Light Flares
seta r_fullScreen 1 // Toggles Fullscreen
seta r_gamma 3 // Sets Gamma Curve According to sRGB Color Space Standard (Requires Calibrated Monitor)
seta r_ignoreFastPath 0 // Toggles the Use of Hardware Fast Path in Multitexturing
seta r_ignoreHwGamma 1 // Toggles the Use of Hardware Gamma
seta r_inGameVideo 0 // Toggles Limbo Videos
seta r_intensity 1.5 // Sets Brightness of Textures
seta r_lodBias 2 // Sets Geometrical Detail
seta r_lodCurveError 250 // Sets Distance to Drop Curves
seta r_mapOverBrightBits 3 // Sets Over-Brightness of Map
seta r_mode 4 // Sets Screen Resolution
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_overBrightBits 1 // Sets Over-Brightness of Entities
seta r_picmip 3 // Sets Texture Size
seta r_primitives 0 // Sets Rendering Method of Primitives
seta r_roundImagesDown 0 // Sets Rounding Factor of Textures When They Are Resized
seta r_simpleMipmaps 1 // Toggles the Use of *simple* Mipmaps
seta r_stencilBits 32 // Sets Stencil Bits
seta r_subdivisions 20 // Sets Curve Details
seta r_swapInterval 0 // Toggles V-Sync
seta r_textureBits 32 // Sets Texture Color Bits
seta r_textureMode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR // Sets Texture Filtering Mode
seta r_wolfFog 0 // Toggles Fog

// [Sound System]

seta s_bits 16 // Sets Sampling Bits
seta s_bloat 2 // Sets Bloat
seta s_channels 2 // Sets Sound Channels
seta s_defaultsound 0 // Toogles Default Sound
seta s_distance 100 // Sets Distance Hearing
seta s_doppler 1 // Toggles Doppler Effect
seta s_khz 44 // Sets Sampling Frequency
seta s_loadas8bit 1 // Toogles 8 Bit Sound
seta s_maxdistance 99999999999999 // Max Distance
seta s_mindistance 0.000000000001 // Min Distance
seta s_mixAhead 0.6 // Sets Time to Pre-Mix Sounds
seta s_mixPreStep 0.02 // Sets Time to Prefetch Sounds
seta s_musicVolume 0 // Sets Music Volume
seta s_polykeep 1000000000 // Sets Poly Keep
seta s_polyreflectsize 10000000 // Sets Poly Reflect Size
seta s_polysize 10000000 // Sets Poly Size
seta s_separation 0.5 // Sets Seperation Between Left & Right Sound Channels
seta s_volume 0.6 // Sets Sound Volume
seta s_wavOnly 0 // Toggles Between Directsound & Waveout

// [ETpro]

seta b_altHud 2 // Sets Alternate Hud Layout
seta b_altHudFlags 6 // Sets Alternate Hud Bit Flags
seta b_antilag 1 // Toggles Antilag
seta b_backupCvars 0 // Toggles Cvar Backups
seta b_centeredWeapons 1 // Toggles Aligned Weapons for Pick-Up
seta b_chatAlpha 0.1 // Sets Transperancy of Chat Background
seta b_chatFlags 1 // Toggles Display of Team Flags in Chat
seta b_descriptiveTextScale 0.7 // Sets Font Size of Limbo Popup

seta b_drawClock 0 // Toggles Display of Local Time
seta b_drawPromotions 0 // Toggles Display of Promotions
seta b_drawRanks 0 // Toggles Display of Player Ranks
seta b_drawRewards 0 // Toggles Display of Rewards
seta b_drawSpectatorAlpha 0 // Sets Spectator Text Alpha While Specting
seta b_drawSpectatorTeamFlags 1 // Toggles Display of Team Flags While Specting
seta b_drawSpeed 0 // Toggles Display of Player Speed

seta b_beginround cg_gun_Frame 17 // Sets Cvars At Begin Round
seta b_chatSounds 0 // Toggles Chat Sounds
seta b_endround cg_gun_Frame 0 // Sets Cvars At End Round
seta b_fireteamAlpha 1 // Sets Transperancy of Fireteam Layout
seta b_fireteamLatchedClass 1 // Toggles Display of Buddies' Latched Classes
seta b_goatSound 1 // Toggles Goat Sound on Knife Kills
seta b_hitSounds 1 // Toggles Hit Sounds
seta b_hudYoffset 2 // Sets Vertical Offset of Lower Hud
seta b_killshot_delay 0 // Sets Delay Between Auto-Screenshots After Kills
seta b_lagometerAlpha 1 // Sets Transperancy of Lagometer
seta b_locationJustify 1 // Sets Fireteam Text Indentation
seta b_locationMaxChars 10 // Sets Fireteam Maximum Location Length
seta b_locationMode 1 // Toggles Fireteam Location Mode
seta b_logBanners 1 // Toggles Logging of Server Banners
seta b_mapZoom 4.3 // Sets the Compass-Map Zoom Level
seta b_muzzleFlash 0 // Toggles Drawing of Muzzle Flash
seta b_noActivateLean 1 // Toggles Activate+strafe=lean
seta b_numPopups -1 // Sets Maximum Number of Popups
seta b_optimizePrediction 1 // Toggles Optimize Code
seta b_panzerHack 1 // Toggles Usage of Weapon Bank 2 for Smg at Level 4 Heavy Weapons
seta b_popupFadeTime 0 // Sets Popup Fade Time
seta b_popupStayTime 2000 // Sets Popup Stay Time
seta b_popupTime 0 // Sets Popup Delay
seta b_simpleItems 0 // Toggles Between 2D & 3D Items
seta b_shoveSounds 1 // Toggles Shove Sounds
seta b_textColorFilter "" // Sets Filter for Range of Colors
seta b_tracers 0 // Toggles Drawing of Bullet Tracers
seta b_voteTextScale 0.72 // Sets Font Size of Vote Popup
seta b_watermarkAlpha 0 // Sets Transperancy of Server Watermark
seta b_weapAltReloads 0 // Toggles Usage of Weapalt Bind to Reload

Here you go :XD
seta cg_draw2D 1 // Toggles Drawing of Hud Elements
seta cg_drawCompass 1 // Toggles Drawing of Compass & Command Map
seta cg_drawCrosshair 5 // Sets Crosshair Type
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames 1 // Toggles Drawing of Player Names
seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay 1 // Toggles Drawing of Fireteam Layout
seta cg_drawFPS 0 // Toggles Drawing of FPS Counter
seta cg_drawGun 1 // Toggles Drawing of Gun
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime 1 // Toggles Drawing of Respawn Time
seta cg_drawRoundTimer 1 // Toggles Drawing of Round Timer
seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons 1 // Toggles Drawing of Small Popups
seta cg_drawSnapshot 0 // Toggles Drawing of Snapshot Counter
seta cg_drawSpreadScale 1 // Toggles Drawing of Spread Scale
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 2 // Toggles Weapon Icon Flashing
pacman 30th anniversary
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