Doc cless ( need love -_o)

About me:

Speak: French ( very good) German ( very good) Englsih ( good)

Age: 23

Avi: minimum 3 times a week, sometimes more ( U know it depends, university, party, girlfriend -or not xD etc)

Skill : med

Classes : Medic / Engi

Play since more than 1 year

Quiet on TS ( but not too much, who cares about "OMG 3 hs !!!" hum sorry " 2hs OMG" =p

Looking for stable clan, playing cups, ladders etc

PM me here, thx for reading !

Have a nice day/night/war ^^
great acc, nice guy gl
good player ,great acc and fair play ;-)
nice player, rly cool on comms
thx ppl :)
great player nice acc
Parra do I know u ?? Oo

ps: nice acc is a lie, just getting 45% on average, not enough imo -_-

Always asking myself, what's better more body tracking or more hs ? more HS means a quicker death, more body tracking more dmg... dunno xD
sounds like bullshit
Maybe you are intrested? Have a read, otherwhise gL.
Gl m8 nice player no whiner and nice acc and tp gogogo.
melde dich mal bei mir xfire xxxmckaixxx oder icq 235111240
Stop the namestealing frenchie. There's only 2 Docs! One from germany I think, and the best one from Norway!
Hey boy, first Im not French but German ( stop insulting me...)
Second, since Im playing ET my nick is Doc ...That's Done BB
You are Docc, not Doc. EOD.
simple reason, on crossfire there a Doc, so I took Docc ( too hard to understand Oo ?)
maybe for retards :x

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
Ah yes, you couldn't choose Doc because it was taken, I see....
A cool guy, i recomanded him, he is high++ in karachi, pakistan.

GL m8
Still Cless ='(
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