Seeking teams to sponsor.

We (AiA Clan Servers - Pab and AndyF1) are actively seeking ET, DoD:S and CS:S clans to join our multi gaming community. We are fairly new to the server business (8 months), and this for us is the next step forward in terms of getting our name known.

As you would expect there are strict criteria to be met in order to accept clans under the AiA banner:

1. You must be an established clan with long term goals. 2 week wonders are of no use to us.

2. Your skill level is less important but you need to demonstrate that you can compete at medium+ European level.

3. At all times, particularly during official matches you will use the AiA tag, most likely after your name to enable you to keep your own clan identity.

4. Wherever / whenever possible (given the opportunity) you will advertise / promote AiA server products.

5. Both Andy and myself over the years have a reputation for conducting ourselves with the utmost respect towards fellow gamers and the like, it would be expected that you will conduct yourself in the same manner while under the AiA banner.

If you and your clan feel you could benefit from joining us please in the first instance e-mail myself at [email protected] or post a message in our forums at Please leave enough information to enable us to check your clan history and potential future.

Please do not PM myself or Andy on irc demanding instant attention, because we will not be forced into making hasty decisions as to which team or teams we co-operate with. We will take all applications into consideration and make a decision based upon the criteria noted above.

Thanks in advance,
Pab / Paul
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