need 6th experienced palyer

Can you make a journal to xfire
need 6th experienced ( rifle ) give a pm for snail or olBaa
or smth
ill be going on shower now

Yep, that's it. We need skilled rifler who played EC or NC or something like that. Be mature and nice guy. You'll get more infos if you pm olBaa or snail` @ #hmgaming.
good luck :*
HF in the shower
irclogs -> ban
Agree, admins stick to the rules! IRC LOGS.

He removed the logs! :(
im not a rifle 8(
joku kysy sezillä oonko marko ku mun nick on homo
Gl non Ec skilled players !
gl, especially for olBaa :>
gl olba :)
omg olba omg
gl friends!!!<33
gl snail =)
ill play. im CoD4 pro rocket launcher t00
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