windows vista probs


since today iam using windows vista and i cant stay longer on a server than 2 minutes.. after that i get kicked because of this reason:

missing /corrupted windows API function (131144)

need some help please

cheers :)
get xp bibuy
omg deinstallier den scheiß, habe den selben Mist durch..
lagg3r habn quadro prozessor der läuft nur auf vista oder?
He did the FAQ so u could play ET @ vista
yeah i've had this problem, and still not found the source of it.
my CF post

Got shit all out of it.

So i went to PB and they've stop with the replies. :/
she told me shit all anyway
do you run ET as administrator or not? If not, then it's due that.
n1 question.
senti have new pc and in new pc is windows vista
keep the multiboot tbh :(
i use vista cause some featured functions like speedstep etc is not working on XP. Also my soundcard SB 24 got much better sound quality.
XP will die anyway like win98 did it. But atm for gaming WINXP is better than vista
update windows disable windows firewall
rightclick on ET shortcut ->
properties -> advanced -> run as administrator

Should help. Or by rightclik -> run as administrator, but then you will have to do it every time you start ET, the first way is better due that.
Run ET as administrator or just blow the whole administrator stuff etc,
I got vista, run et with adminstrator rights then it should work.
Becouse of r_ignorehwgamma 0, set it to 1. Worked for me.
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