rocky balboa ?

old? rocky? what?
older than CDC4
haha nicely done.
mama owned papa
expect the unexpected
btw who r on that vid
mama, vix0r, tom1, 2 randoms
Rocky is an Evertonian...

image: rocky
Evertonian scum!
image: n82573052416262958069ac3

Kopites are Gobshites!
Nice :D
who are those guys? the red one was fighting like a pussy:D
And you could fight better?
only idiots are kicking their enemys
but accurate punches are effective
In a street fight anything is legal ;) no rules
and no one is allowed to call them an idiot or anything else becouse they do anything to win.
and a accurate kick is more effective then a punch
i mean that kicking isnt really effective because the other could block it easily so you would waste your power
ok a really hard kick into the face or stomach is not bad but its still easier to punch the enemy
If you actually block a kick full range, it hurts like hell,
so that means it hurt either you hit or not, :P
and in a fight you focus more on the face and his movements with the body with gives you a more overveiw on the hands then his legs.
so a knee or a kick is absolutly the best if it hits,
1 punch dosen't very often put the victim down,
1 kick very often gets them down and unable to get up.
mehehe thats great video, et sounds roX
Well done mama! ^^ looked better live
so you are one of those retards only standing there and doing nothing, wp
ye thats me in the background nP
why did they fight?
Mama's view : ton1 vixor vitaly were spectating and disturbing him. He had told them to back off several times. They didn't and here we go.
ton1's m8s view: mama got pissed because he died and went to kick ton1 or vitaly. vixor tried to stop him but got beaten up.
lold so it was in middle of a match?
haha lol where is it? i wanna laugh about him lol

gebatsche @ cdc4 n1
kling kling tong. :D
tbh if you hit someone in the face he need to fall down, otherwise you punch like a girl
u revoked the words of my mouth sucker
tbh if four guys attack a single one with the height of 1/2 winghaven, that guy should go down instantly
yes so they fight like girls and mama gave him 2 punches in the face and he didnt fall so... they're all suckers
i'm sure you would have run away like a kid if you were mama
lol dont say bullshit u dont know me. yes im 16 years old , nice 2 u but i never give up
i just dont like guys saying "haha what a pussy" while not proving themselves
thats all
yes but u have to agree that if someone give u a punch in the face u've to fall down if u dont, or u r rocky or the guy is a shit
n1 mama...
old like internetz
well...was tyson a girl? he punched one big white guy to face like 6 times... but he was too big to fall. anyway he didnt fall coz he huged mike they do in match.
:'d loved it :'d
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