
Netherlands Fets needs skilled & active 6on6 team at least Premier League.

( Age ) 19
( Classes ) Fieldops / Medic / Eng SMG
( Language ) Dutch / English
( Activity ) Every working day, 18/23:00
( History ) ubb, dtk, fdnl, bangelijk, team-jote, rts, kivem
( Needs ) Stable, active team
Playing ET for +/- 4 years and won some cups
DG award

find me in #kivem, or send me a xfire pm.

Gl fets
what happened to kives?
inactive etc

GL FETS most underrated player ever :{
aaah, i see. was nice team atleast, i even trialed for you on booze ^^

good luck on searching man !
#tag.et pl0x
GL routinier
again and again and again
most underrated player in ET, gl! :)
niemand wilt me:<,

thanks for gl's
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