searching for active clan

I'm from the Netherlands

age: 17
skill: med/-
class: Medic / Fops

Mic works ofc.

i am search for an active clan , play cups / ladders
gameserver & ts/vent

add me:
xfire: smokkelaar
msn: [email protected]
Age: 16 ( 24 March 1991 )

gl mike!!!!!!
a. dubble clan?? aka ur a leader of a clan..
b. med/- ??? make it low/+
c. not gonna fill in
d. don't be immature to him he gonna freak out
e. don't be mature to him he freak out.
f. goodluck
wonder why that guy ( I RLY DONT KNOW) has no buddies ..... -.-?
srry don't need buddys on a chat side

aka hellgast nice1
u make clan with smuggler?
2 week clan
even when ur in a other clan..
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