#uP-eSports searching ...

image: 3278_up11ua9

Europe uP eSports e.V.

is recruiting 1 - 2 skilled Germany german players!

¦ You ¦

¤ should be avi 3 times a week
¤ 18+ (16+, if no kiddo)
¤ not part of the german ulow scene
¤ played on a rly skilled level
¤ one of you should be fieldops
¤ the other can be medic (no rambos, we got alrdy)
¤ not afraid to talk on comms
¤ no atm hackers (!)
¤ if you cheated in past and you are clean now pm us ( hi Germany butchji )

¦ We ¦

¤ wanna play @ ENLARGED
¤ wanna play @ CDC 5
¤ are a bunch of retarded germans
¤ love to play ET since 2004
¤ got experience on high level, expect 1 guy (<3 rey)
¤ got ready tactics for nearly every map
¤ got the skills, to make the kills
¤ active (3 trains per week if possible)
¤ pLaying 3on3 OC, prolly Premier ..
¤ we're too late for 6on6 OC ( because hadnt had 6th @ signup close day )

¦ Lineup ¦

Germany [uP] ¤ tuz0
Germany [uP] ¤ sicje [junky @ FUSENGATE 2k8 - nC name: jihad - SOLD - clean now]
Turkey [uP] ¤ FATiH
Germany [uP] ¤ jUELZ
Germany [uP] ¤ Mo0o0oH
Spain [uP] ¤ Monty / Rey
Europe [uP] ¤ you?
Europe [uP] ¤ you?

Italy [uP] ¤ puma2k ( havent played 3/4 year )
Germany [uP] ¤ Soprano ( only avi once a week ) [Sprno @ Fusengate 2k8 - nC name: uriah - friends account?! Stopped because of it and hes back - Selfbusted way before fusengate! - clean now!]

Eventhough if it looks like a European lineup, every member is able to speak fluent german!

¦ Contact ¦

¤ #uP-eSports /q sicjeOFF or uP^sicje or just gimme a PM in my inbox

shoutout to Sweden alexL & Belgium lio - cu in 12 months XD
8 players isn't enough?
12on12? oO
puma = psiquh, what do you mean haven't played for 3/4 years...
puma is not psiquh...
but it really can't be hard to use hamachi :O?
i heard fatih = psiquh
imo fatih = fireball unless some noobish cheater took his name :p
yes i know but i mean this fake fatih ^^
aaa : >, could be
:) just a bunch of hackers.
i think you ll need a red /!\ if you want to join them xD
gl OCRANA|puma2k
"¤ if you cheated in past and you are clean now pm us ( hi butchji )"

omg fuckers
Some1 from UP got busted. Dno where, but i saw it. Maybe @ pbbans recent bans.
rey he got busted on our server.. I'll find the screenshots

edit: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=61382

Also sicje = junky :/
edit: 2 slow :(
¤ got experience on high level, expect 1 guy (<3 rey)

strange i've never heard of any of your names except fatih's
i bet you know more then one, but maybe not because of their high level ;)
oh junky that retard, yea.
all are known hackers
gl sic :D
lol fireball? :\
Different guy, uber whiner.
Soprano = fusenlist
junky = fusenlist
3x fusenlist, 1x pbban March 12, 2008
clean now, gl
omg who wants to play in a clan full of cheats. gl.
clean now :D
gl mates
können wir gerne machen hab ich kein problem mit. cu@enlarged/cdc5.
du bist doch der wnb playA der überall playboy draufstehen hat mit 5 cm oberarm durchmesser oder nicht?!
HACKER but gl2rey
gl junky <3 pm me
gl ² sicje + fatih + tuz0 see ya @ sylvester 2k8
gl FATiH aka fer3s
gl junky nub 8D
fo lowskill0r, me > u <3
gl moohey :)
haha hacker junkgy gtfo and get banned

btw nice fireball fake xDDD
du scheiß dorfkind was labberst du da??

FATIH ist ein türkischer name un zufällig heßt mein opa so....

un fireball ist der einzigste mit dem namen..... OMG
hast was gegen dörfer?
bielefeld is groß :D :<
wohn ja net direkt bielefeld ^^
why junky changes his nick all the time, he sux.
he wanted to be like the retarded 14 years old kid shoes
ohh i m sorry maybe he became mature now?
Age: 16 ( 29 July 1991 )

geh oine4one news posten du kind
maybe you are older but you are acting more like a child then me so pls stfu
hoi junky, if you want to stay anon don't use any names related to sic :/
heiß ich fireball oder FATiH du DORFTÜRKE
gl cheaters XD
do you still remember meh?
Fuck off cheater kids.

cheaters should get CF ban 4 ever !!!!
stowni for president <3
xD na alles fit <3 :>
Besser als kino weiter so *rofl*
"e.V." ...serious business!
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