they ET servers does not support ettv? Is this retarded?
and they are sponsors of biggest et community on the planet, omfg
ask the support, should be no problem
we do not support ettv, and it's not possible to activate.


get a dedi?
it uses more bandwidth so it's not retarded, but they should support it as extra (aditional costs)
700 euro/month dedi? no thanks............
i already was stupid enough to buy 1 year gameserver., did not expect that they have no ettv comand line edit for possible matches.
you can get ceahp dedi for 20-100 euro/month, mostly it are just desktop PC's used as servers. But for running a few gameservers and ventrilo/TS it is goed enough.
why were you? GH servers are the best gameservers u can have in ET.
no information on site about their datacenter and network details
lol ofc it does..
Rent a root server, so you can do what you want with it.
You are retarded if u order a gameserver for 1 year without mailing the company about the options u want. Installing ETTV might be a 5 mins job for them
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