fc| Spring Cup 3on3

fc| Multigaming is pleased to announce the first edition of the fc| Spring Cup!
This is a 3on3 ET tournament.

Short info
» You have until 25 March to sign up.
» This is not a one day cup!
» Maximum of 24 teams Anonymous Extended!
» You are allowed to signup a maximum of 6 players (3 main, 3 backup).
» It is REQUIRED for each player to record a demo of the match.
» NO Cheating
» Win: 3 points
Draw: 1 point
Loss: 0 points
» Matches will be played on fc's own cup servers.
» Dates and times are predefined. Reschedule is possible, notify a cup admin!
» Referees are REQUIRED on all matches. Playing a match without a referee will be an invalid match.
» Replacements are allowed but can be done only during map changes, intermissions or pauses.

» Adlernest
» Braundorf_b4
» Bremen_b2
» ET_Ice
» Frostbite
» Supply
» SW_Goldrush_TE
» TC_Base

Xfire: 4drenalin3
IRC: #fcmultigaming

How to sign up
Cup website
fc| Multigaming
nice, loads of fun
gl looks nice
nice gL guys =)
hf with zeh cup
oasis xD
kmleague ftw!
OASISß omg
Oasis was supposed to be removed. Sorry.
ok then, hf =)
Nice, gl adrenaline!
me osallitutttaa tuoho kuule tittaaaaneitte kaa
Nice signup shit..

gtfo, get simple sign up page.


nvm, izi sign up

i failed
nice m8! I'll be there and sweex btw, you're a cheater xD so you can't play. :) Cya
Is their written..

ex-cheaters cant play?


hope you will die.. your mother must be happy after your dead..
I love it when you're angry <3 :)! Why don't you whine in dutch or on teamspeak!? xD xD cya
Love it when im right :D..

Love it when 4drenalin3 aproves my team np
I know! Soz, m8! :)
usually I don't like cupsites where u need to register, but this "how to sign up" help was kinda relieving :)

btw, I didn't put guids, because ppl can check them on cb, and mine changes everyday anyway because I format so often
"Your players INCLUDING their ETPRO GUID must be added to your team roster.
Playing with a player or GUID not on the announced lineup will result in that player not being able to play in the match. Player ETPro GUID's will be checked by the match admins each and every match to enforce this rule."
You do not have any GUID added, none of your players will be able to play.
so, I put in some guid and it will be wrong anyway?

well, it's too much work to handle the guids, so prolly we'll just skip this one then
GL,nice CupSite
Due to the enormous amount of registrations, we have decided to extend the maximum amount of teams from 16 to 24 teams! However, because of the huge amount of matches this brings with it, we will lower the times you play vs the same team in your group to 1 (instead of 2).
3 of 24 spots left!
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