
Well i'm going to buy new monitor but i don't have much money. I decided to buy CRT monitor cause they are cheaper and as i heard they are better for games too. Well my space on desk is pretty small soo 17'' is a good choice for me. Please give me some advice.
write your suggestions in here. I know i'm not able to buy new one now but it doesn't matter rly
iiyama 20" / 22" used it costs around 50~ €
well i know iiyama but 20'' and 22'' is too big i have like 45/45/45cm space for monitor
well afaik iiyama = bestest , they got an high refreshrate
you should check for the refreshrate to recognize a "good crt"
There are also 17 & 19" from iiyama :p
The one which Finland Xpaz has in his profile, too lazy to look but that monitor rocks and it's cheap
Samsung syncmaster 959NF
Plain bullshit.
well now i have read somethink about those monitors, but they are hugh... i'm really thinking about something smaller like 17'' and of cozz i need 1280 and 100hz. I didn't find any .... soo trying to search for some in dell now... i heard sony trinitron is the best...
sony trinitron pawns i have 20" buts its huge and fucking heavy. had to use the kitchen table desk kant hold it
mama you cannot forget i'm from Poland it's hard to get somethink good in here. All good stuff from Poland are now far away in western europe... still searching for those iiyama...
just ordered a 22" syncmaster :D
if u can find one, any iiyama would be good
I didn't find any iiyama monitor near my my place soo i decided to buy Dell P793. Now I just want to know what you guys think about it... I still can buy samsung syncmaster but it's much bigger and it will be a problem
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