ET gone bad

Ever since ET updated to patch 2.60b and etpro 3.2.6. Me and a clan mate have been having this problem, most likely a lot of others too. Anyway, can't play demos any more. We now get "incorrect et.exe version". These demo's were done on 2.60b servers and with the 3.2.6 etpro. Today I decided I'm fed up with it and looked for answers. Only thing I can find with that error is people trying to connect to servers. So, I tryed the old patch and then got client/server game mismatch diffrent etpro version. Right, fair enough. Old etpro going on, still get it. New patch with old etpro, still get it. Back to the new etpro and patch and for some reason it's the "client/server game mismatch" still and not the "incorrect et.exe" one.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Btw, xfires search isn't working for whatever reason so don't blame me (but still shout at me if you like) for shit being posted before.
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