We want you to the own3d team!

Time has come for changes in ET section on our site. I won't beat around the bush - this game have been seriously forgotten for a long period of time. However, we decided that autumn is a perfect season for our oldie to spring on its feet.

That is why we establish a recruitment process. We are looking for people who are interested in the scene, have some experience, are able to use english language at a high level and possess proper amount of time. We understand that newsposting is a difficult job, so we do have something to offer you - BNCs and 20mb webspace. I can ensure you that you will be rewared continually with more work put into the section.

To enroll, just submit an e-mail (at [email protected]) with a test news item (concerning ET affairs) and your contact info. Remember, we will decide on whether to take you or not basing on this news piece, so try to make it a good one.

Well - good luck!

The Austria own3D Team
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