Need help to set up ET server

I have a dedicated server and need to set up ET server there.
Where i can find the windows server files and any guide ?

dont even try to homehost!
DL et pro edit server.cfg in etmain etpro/configs add some random cb cfgs or smthin u want and then start it but with game etpro plz
Im not doign homehost, I got nice and dedicated Server in Internet providers central.
But how to, do like the hosters do that i can accsess with FTP etc ?
so if u want to do fast and easy are u making war server?

then just edit /etmain/server.cfg <--- then download clanbase configs but em /etpro/configs update pb and its ready
hmm yea, but just that i dont know much about that.
So i need to install ET to that computer right ? ( there is no ET installed ) and "+set fs_game "etpro" +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec "server.cfg" ?

But how could i do the thing that if i go to home i can change maps etc ?
like hostings Give me FTP, how that system works ?
And WINDOWS on a dedicated server? That's.... ugly..
Install Linux on it, and you'll have ssh to fix problems over network.
bmbchA hmm seems u dont know much about computers ? if i need tell u how ftp works :P maybe someone else wanna help u and yes windows suxxx ;>
I dont yeah, but dno :D
Install linux and let someone who knows stuff set it up for you over SSH (not me, i don't dare to use SSH over this connection :X).
Nothing is a solution until it involves installing linux :D
ask perfo
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