RTCW Config building.

Seen as there soon might be a cfg rush for rtcw or just something for people to look at. I though i would start something for everyone to add what makes a RTCW config good?

For example like in ET where you cap your fps to lower your pistol/sniper recoil...

So is there anything like this for a RTCW config? cause for me it seems my bullets completly miss yet am aiming at the guy... and looking back at some RTCW movies they can be jumping and bullets hit :<
same engine same commands
same engine, same commands, except 1000 times less margin to choose your settings.
but saying that, my uberleet config should make me king in RTCW, but tbh it makes it worse :/
there was 4 kings in rtcw, and they weren't kings because of configs
hehehe that wasnt funny at all :[
Finding the fun from facts is a gentle art and then again I am not even a funny guy. I know this because I've been told othervise by people with sense of humour.
You cant jump around and hit in rtcw, the spread is almost the same.
those "jump frags" at raziel's iratus are there just because they're pure lotto.
+ lower fps in those days
play some 1o1, and get use to burst fire
when i played that 3on3 with u and meez u didnt burst you just hs none stop :P
if you were on rTg its normal to not hit a thing if your from the uk
just keep 125 fps and max out the settings pb restricts.
the secret is to put maxpackets to 60 and timenudge to -10, don't tell anyone though
and I thought people didn't cheat in rtcw
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