Krucio - 2783610 - ESL

Taking over Cybergames and kicking everyone out exept of a few friends, so I decided to look em all up, this was the one I started with, and boom, cheater :)

Nick: Krucio
Clanbase (Still needs confirmation):
ESL (Still needs confirmation):
Violations: Sep 07, 2007 Violation (MULTIHACK) #70475
Feb 06, 2007 Cvar r_uifullscreen = 1
Nov 11, 2006 Cvar cl_maxpackets = 40
Oct 29, 2006 MD5Tool Mismatch: ET.exe (len=2048)
Oct 21, 2006 MD5Tool Mismatch: ET.exe (len=2048)
Oct 09, 2006 MD5Tool Mismatch: ET.exe (len=2048)
Oct 07, 2006 MD5Tool Mismatch: ET.exe (len=2048)
Oct 07, 2006 MD5Tool Mismatch: ET.exe (len=2048)
Oct 09, 2007 Violation (MULTIHACK) #70476

image: pbbansdm8
image: pbbans2un1
image: pbbans3at3
Master Ban Index - Check GUID
The GUID 6af99ef277793af586691d3cfff6c090 is not on our ban list.

If you are receiving a Global Ban message, this is an EvenBalance issue and is out of our control. Please visit for more information.

hmmm..failed ? send link to the pbban ban ^^
nerd, check ip's

don't talk shit if u don't know a thing about it -.-
give me the link to the pbbans entry .. cmon nerd
can't, you don't have full access to the database unless I let you see this, but I dno if I'm allowed to. I gave you the screenshots, so np, you'll see if he gets banned tomorrow or not :)
pbbans entry...
have fun banning a guy with that ip-range

thats the guid with the 8 violations...

and thats krc REAL pb guid...

he played so much with two pb guids? and check the dates.. sometimes he get 2-3 yawned on the same day.. with diffrent guids?

check how long the "violation guid" is playing and howlong kruccio is playing

u failed my friend..

u are only angry cos u get kicked from a public server.. and now play with ur barbies..

btw.. ur wnb ban is lower then killerboys bans !


image: 49161782ui3
image: 87050556tg3

and now check ur ips again.. thx

the higher screen is from the guid where are the violations
secound screen is from krucio
ip's match m8, say what u want, but they match :)
btw, we've had similar cases before, np :)
and btw.. the ip match is only 2-3 times if i looked right...

and if u look his ip "jumps" on yawn.. it can be everyone...
ye I saw it, right after I posted, but that doesn't take the other one away, + the fact that this 1 still can be him, needs investigation, that's why I put (Still needs confirmation) in the forum entry :)
haha 2 times the same ip and then nomore matches in 2 years?

ur ban failed.. and now.. i want to sleep.. hf

if u can..

search for the ips that are the same with the cheater of ALL etplayers... i think u find 100+ of ur matches ... there can it be to!
wtf are you trying to say
yeah id like to know the same
hast schonmal bei yawn seine ips angeguckt? bei solchen sprüchen in der ip könnte es genauso gut jeder andere sein.. und wenn er als admin bei pbbans nach ips suchen könnte... würde hundert pro tausend andere guids finden die auf die ip übereinstimmen!

und das er mit 2 guids über 2 jahre gleichzeitig spielt auch relativ unwahrscheinlich...

selbst wenn er nen guidspoofer hatte... spoofed er bestimmt nicht immer auf die gleiche guid.. zudem sind die ips auch total verschieden... von der guid wo er angeblich mit gebusted werden soll und von seiner ip atm... und wenn man sich seine richtige guid anguckt.. dann ist da auch kein wohnorts wechsel drin.. sodas seine ip sich hätte ändern können..
solang die ip einmal übereinstimmt mit seinem cb account :-)
ja eben.. nu such mal nach der ip in einer datenbank.. und du wirst sie nochmal 1000 mal finden... bullshit ist das

außerdem jeder der gesunden menschenverstand hat würde wissen das er es nicht war.. allein schon wegen den guid die sich über 1 1/2 jahre überschneidet

und weiso bin ich net im sQ lineup drin ? :(
naja wie gesagt, trauen kann man iwo keinem

profile edited
thats sad spree, if the ban isn't confirmed only thing you did is ruin an innocent players reputation because he kicked you from cybergames.
maybe next time wait for the ban to go through before posting.
at least one of the guids ip's matches, so he's busted anyways, the other needs confirmation though (so we can say he cheated more often :>)
lol ur iq is lower as from tokio hotel bill !

u know that he dont cheat.. ur only angry and want to bust him anyways.. normally u have to get busted for so much bullshit u are writing here!
actually I know he cheats, np :)
ye.. then give me avis.. demos or pb screens from krucio.. fucktard

that ip match is nothing.. my grandma in the sky is more then that shit!
ip match is obvious :)
nothing is obvios...

if u get only 1 gram brain.. u know that its only a random match.. and if krucio get busted for that funny stuff.. u can be happy to bust a non cheater.. and ur penis is then so long.. that u can suck it with ur eyes!
ok, w/e, he'll get banned, end of story :>
QuoteThe GUID fff6c090 is not on the
Master Ban Index (MBI)

end of story u get pwnd..
lol how unhaxpected .. war so klar das er an hat
ho hoo , 17 jähriger mit ner frau als pic , hast eh noch nie eine nackt gesehen kiddie
sei bitte nicht so naiv und glaub was du da oben siehst xD bzw schau doch einfach mal genauer hin dann siehst du das es nen nice fake is
kann schon fake sien , aber wieso der aufwand ?
ja les doch er hat anscheinend leute von nem server gekickt wahrscheinlich SEIN server kA ^^
immer so lustig wie ältere meinen durch ein alter schlüsse ziehen zukönnen.. nur weil du was in deiner jugend falsch gemacht hast.. haben das net alle..
niveau , lass mich doch net herab

hast leider dich schon auf das "niveau" heruntergelassen als du das 1. map replied hast.. kannst ruhig weiter machen
he played not even low+ Lol

dont bust players like this..
2 much 2 read
what is the state of affairs?
i knew it!
fucking cheater ! :D
lol ich hab ein cheater gewoned nice nOxa :P jokelein"!!
oh no not Krucio ...
every child see that this is definatly a fake xD
Nice try xO
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