PnkbstrB Problem

Maybe you all can help me.

I got a problem with my Punkbuster and i try'd to contact Punkbuster it self but they did not respond for 2/3 days now and i got a 3on3 OC cup comming up and we signed up and rly want to play but it seems we can't beqause i got this problem with Punkbuster.

This is my Problem:
Everytime i join a server i get this Problem after 2->5 min.

Server Disconnected - Punkbuster kicked player '<|Eagle|>' (for 0 minutes) ...
RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe driver failure (PnkBstrB.sys) ffab

I have try'd to add these 2 files to my Firewall Programm (Norman Firewall and Anti Virus) But i keep getting the error's when i want to join a server.

I hope you all can help me with this problem.

Grtz Eagle
i reinstalled my PB for 5 times now and did not help any other idea's?
well, if nothing helps i'd format :)
Disable anti-vir and firewall before playing
then he'll get a virus!
I got same problem, i just put virus defence off
Restart your PC i got it allready 30 times , if you restart your PC all is fine (for me) :)
I had the same, and I still have. You have to restore them in utilities section and then delete them, after you did that stop the on-acces scanner. Worked for me.
control alt delete and check where ur pb b is in the list. if not , try to reboot and know where it is or set it on
Vista? Run as administrator. Even on XP, if you are on restricted account, run as administrator.
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