Looking for a clan :>

well i been playing et for a long time...i was in a clan and too much bs was there so i left it ...and now im looking for a clan that is med- or med skilled...
ingame name :Revenge69
Languages:i speak lithuanian/english
et pro guid:896C76D876EA97126BC042936DF880B26992E58A
how long u played et:1-2years
and more info...i like to scrim...dont rly like pubs..and my favourite classes r MEDIC/Fops thats its PM ME
U give your guid before you played to..

you must be a hacker :(


nah im not a hacker..:)hax r for players that start playing et or have no skill or well like my cousin they r 6 years old
lithuania wtf, where is THAT ?
Lithuania is just beside latvia :) well not far away from russia
and where is 'pauwenoog' ? near 'pauwenveer' ?
pro raper
Kipa school would be best suggestion at the moment i guess. If you dont even know Europe map.. sad
a lesson crossfire wouldnt be bad for u too, u know reply button .. and he typed his land in engrish and i learned euopean countries in dtuch ?
thx for lesson Mr. 15 teacher. Not gonna make mistake next time, now go learn flags, atleast Europe. BEST LUCK
mr 15? whos that ? Europe done learning :D
-_-' no comment
Good then, i see you learned things. Dont fuck with Lithuanians.
-_-' i didnt put my real age their ?
Then learn that lying to Lithuanian is not smart thing too.
dont car about that shit country
im happy that live in great country with more cows than in any country. Always smart to boy as you say smart comment and feel "i got the power". GL anyway
why do i feel lucky i dont live in our country, wait because it has the most retards in the world that speak the best engrish
oh noes, if you live in my country, you would be without teeths anyway. About retard stuff, you should chech who has more retarded ET players ;DD But stop this endless discussion, be smarter than me. THX
he won the discussion but ur right =p
he didnt win im just smarter as he says

'stop this endless discussion, be smarter than me. THX'

but that wasnt really hard.. being smarter then him
well in dutch lithuania is something like litauen or something like that :)
lol bacilis xD nice 1 thank you xDDD
Gl Revenge ;)
played try out with u for that logicx clan:>
gl m8
im still cless u know so gimme some offers :D
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