is this the end?

This here is a problem im trying to fix for some days now,but simply anything i try doesnt work

And as i am out of ideas,i made a forum topic,thinking somebody had the same problem and fixed it somehow :<

if anybody knows whats wrong,pls tell me :|

I hope i dont have to quit et just because of something like this :1

EDIT: Cpu is 80% usage@only et
tryed this already :<
et is on D...with 80 gb i wont format that
reinstalled windows yesterday
i have et installed now on another partition,on another hdd
Is your HDD *completely* full? Because that could well cause major slowdown. Try to keep at least 10% free (8GB free space on an 80GB drive, for example).
only et on that partition(100gb)...i moved him yesterday from almost a full one
on taskmanager, set it's priority lower, or pbstraB or something higher :P
its the best solution... sol lover!
try to play w/o pb
Lol ET uses 40 mb with hunkmegs 196 here :(
format c
/quit et maybe ?
its the end.. bb
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